What is Sport’s Day? – Enchelmaier's Division 10

What is Sport’s Day?

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There is a tradition that takes place at the end of the year at many elementary schools in the lower mainland.  It is called Sport’s Day! In the past, many of the activities have been based on track and field events.  Over time, the stations have turned into fun and game challenges.

The day is usually based on a theme.  This year’s theme is Ancient History with the teams:

Elite Yellow Spartans, Red Raging Romans, Great Green Greeks, Big Blue Barbarians!

The grade 7 students at Clinton are responsible not only for creating the theme of the day but also developing all of the stations.  They have worked really hard to come up with some engaging, competitive and interesting stations this year.  There are a set of primary stations and a set of intermediate stations.

The day begins with classes moving out to the field and gathering in their coloured teams on the hill.  A warm-up and shout-out to the teams gets the day under way.  Students then move back together in their divisions and head to their first station.

Division 10 will begin in the gym with Magnet Fishing In The Nile.  They will follow with Hunting in Ancient Egypt, The Greek Olympics, Libra, Find the Dinosaur Eggs, Race For Gold and the Ancient Water Race.

There is a free play/water-bathroom break station and at one of the stations, Freezies will be handed out as a treat from the PAC (no matter how cold the weather is)!

After station rotations, students then gather once again on the hill to watch a pre-school race and then the Tug-O -War challenges between the intermediate teams.  The final activity is a tug-o-war between the Grade 7 students and adults.

Students then return to their classrooms for lunch and are able to be dismissed anytime between 12 and 12:30 as long as pick-up is arranged.  All students should have left the building by 12:30.

Guests are welcome to watch the events and the PAC is always ready to serve up some sweets, treats and yummy food at the concession stand in the undercover area of the courtyard.

WE NEED THE SUN for this to take place!  Drizzling rain is o.k. but if it is a rainy day, the events are not postponed, Sport’s Day is cancelled and the school day return to it’s normal schedule.  So do a sun dance and bring on the Sport’s Day cheer.


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