Byrne Creek Salmon Release – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Byrne Creek Salmon Release

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Can’t say enough about the amazing experience Division 10, along with Division 9, had yesterday at Byrne Creek.  We were able to release smolt Coho into the ravine with the Burnaby Stream Keepers.  Fisheries and Oceans provided us with 375o hatchery salmon that will eventually make their way to the Pacific Ocean.

Thank you to Joan and Paul for guiding us through the forest and sharing with us information about invasive and native plants while supporting our observation of a Mother Owl and her baby.

We are happy to have learned so much about the salmon cycle and the Byrne Creek Watershed.  Our new Word Collector word is anadromous which represents fish that move from fresh to salt water and back during their life cycle migration.

It was a wonderful experience that was validated by Hope’s words from her reflection writing, “The feeling I had was fun, joy, happiness.”

Here is a video montage of our first field experience in a few years.

We have also created a bulletin board mural in the hallway for others to enjoy.  Team Salmon, Team Predator and Team Habitat worked together to add all the pieces of the puzzle of the salmon and forest ecosystem.

  Everything is connected so please try to be kind to our natural habitats.

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