Goodbye November, Hello December – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Goodbye November, Hello December

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November has brought us torrential rains, a parade of storms and atmospheric rivers.  It hasn’t stopped Division 10 from working, thinking and creating.

Some favourite books this month have been

Can You Hear The Trees Talking.  We have learned so much about:

How Trees Breathe, How Trees Drink, Why Trees Don’t Fall Over, How Trees Procreate, What Tree Children Learn At School, Can Trees Talk and The Forest Internet.

Students created trees for all seasons with their team tables groups.











We continue to appreciate story time in the library and “kindness” continues to be a theme for us to all consider.  This was our latest story time book.

We’ve also appreciated some visiting story readers to share their personal favourites in the class.  Recognize our story tellers?









Division 10 has continued to develop their daily reading skills.  They have particularly enjoyed being Wild Word collectors, enhancing their learning through the book, The Keeper Of Wild Words. 









Mom Dad Our Books and Me carried them into considering all the ways they could make reading fun at home.  A new December Reading Advent Calendar has been sent home.  Have fun with literacy this month.  Remember, Every Day Is A Reading Day!


The Polar Express 10 Days of Christmas will begin on December 6. Please check the schedule that was sent home so you can be prepared for each fun and exciting day that your child will be part of at Clinton School.


The Scholastic Book Fair will be held from Dec 6-9 and purchases can be made online.  Students in Divison 10 will get a chance to purchase books in person on Monday, December 6 during their library time.  They are encouraged to bring their money in a Ziplock bag with their name and money amount on the bag.

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