Happy 100th Day of School! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Happy 100th Day of School!

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What a day of activities and celebrating for our 100th day of school 2020/2021!








We have also challenged ourselves to consider 100 ways to support the environment!

Some of our thoughts: Respect nature. Plant more trees. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. Turn off tap when not using. Hand water your garden instead of using a sprinkler. Let your grass go brown in the summer. Watch for storm drain fish signs – pollution goes right to the creeks, rivers and oceans. Eat locally. Walk more. Buy local vegetables and fruit. Buy less. Ride your bike or scooter rather than taking a car. Carpool or take transit (Skytrain/bus). Shop vintage – buy used items (reusing). Donate clothing, toys, household items. Travel less or travel close to home. Hang up your laundry instead of using the dryer. Be mindful of camp fires and put out your flames. Be kind to animals (don’t feed wildlife and keep garbage cans closed/locked). Turn off the lights when not needed. Turn of electronics when not in use. Let nature inspire your thinking. Give nature a chance to grow and be free. Shrink your environmental footprint.




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