Meaningful, Magical Monday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Meaningful, Magical Monday!

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Good Morning Everyone!  Sorry if this is arriving a bit late.  I left the Yoga By The Sea Book in the classroom for the weekend and had to get to it this morning before I could publish the daily post.

I hope you had a well-deserved long weekend as you have been working so hard.  Many of you have engaged in the READWORKS assignments, learning about oceans, lakes and rivers.  I have been connecting your readings with our Yoga By The Sea Guessing Game.  Today will be another reveal of answers with a few more clues that I will answer at our class meeting tomorrow.

The class meeting will be a bit different as I will be working from the classroom.  My laptop has a camera and microphone but the other digital devices in the classroom do not.  In order for our in-class students to participate, they will be able to access the classroom pc screen to see you share but then they will have to pop in front of my laptop to do their own sharing.  Of course, we will have to social distance ourselves in that moment.  So patience is of upmost importance tomorrow.  I have been receiving your self-assessment pieces so I know that you are all very good with your patient strategies.

Please arrive at 10 a.m. with microphones and cameras off.  We will take turns and share a Charlotte’s Web Word Collector Word that you have included in a well-dressed sentence that helps us understand the meaning of the word.  Please then share you Magnum Opus, your Hour of Triumph, your masterpiece, what you feel proud of.  Charlotte was proud of her egg sac filled with her 514 babies.  That was her greatest work.  She also knew she had been a good friend by saving Wilbur. Knowing that Wilbur received a medal at the fair and was going to be cared for and loved for the rest of his life gave her the peace at the end of her life.  I do hope you enjoyed the last 5 chapters of Charlotte’s Web and will be ready to talk tomorrow for our Talk About It Class Meeting.

Before I give you the answers to Yoga By The Sea and the new clues, I wanted to attach a Mystery Doug lesson that connects with our Pond, Oceans, Lakes, River theme.  It is Why Fish Can’t Breathe On Land.  When I think about that, I connect to our tadpoles who can’t breathe on land and then become frogs that are able to breathe on land as their gills turn into lungs.  But you are going to find out about swim bladders in this episode of Mystery Doug.  Try to also watch the Bonus Info as well.  It is so very interesting.

Yoga By The Sea!

Answers from Thursday:

I am a boat; I am a bridge; I am a fish!  How did you do?  Did you guess correctly?  Now try to make those poses!

Today’s final clues:

A squishy blob inside my shell,  this round hinged home is where I dwell.  I try to burrow in the sands to hide from gulls and digging hands.  What am I?

I breathe the air, the air breathes me.  I am the land.  I am the sea.  I am the clouds that drift above.  I am special. I am love.  What am I?

I’ll reveal the answers to the final clues of Yoga By The Sea when we meet tomorrow.

Please Check the new SHAPE OF THE WEEKAs we move toward the end of June, there will be fewer assignments for hand in but it is expected that you will continue to pursue online learning from home.  T  HIS WEEK THERE ARE 2 HAND-IN ASSIGNMENTS. For those of you that have not handed in your core competency reflection pieces, please do by Wednesday.  That was your 1 assignment from last week.

Continue to access the sidebar for activity links, take a virtual field trip from the virtual field trip page at the top of the blog and try out some Go Noodle activities.  Some of our in-class students really likely FLEX!  We have been and are making some FLEX characters from play clay. We are also working with puppets and you have a chance to as well.  Continue with your money money math activities.

Have a Meaningful, Magical Monday and we will see you at the meeting tomorrow.  Mrs. E.

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