Wellness Wednesday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Wellness Wednesday!

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Today, we only have essential support work students in the Clinton School.  Those are students who have parents working the front lines.  Teachers are also essential workers.  In order to make sure that we stay healthy and well and the school is safe for our in-class learners, it is cleaning day at Clinton.  Many of the Clinton Staff are on-site but students are not to visit the school grounds from 9-3 unless they are children of ESW families.

How did you do with your the Yoga By The Sea guessing game? I am posting the answers to the clues and giving you 3 more clues today.  During our health and wellness class meeting, many of you shared what you are doing to stay mindful, peaceful and patient.  The Core Competency Self-Assessment asks you what strategies you use when feeling impatient.  Perhaps, playing a game is a strategy you use when needing to be patient.  So let’s play!

Answers from Tuesday clues:  1. I Am The Ocean  (what is a good ocean pose?) 2. I Am A Seal (what is a good seal pose?) 3. I Am A Dolphin (what is a good dolphin pose?)

Clues for Wellness Wednesday:

1.I can reach way up high and paint my magic in the sky.  Radiant colours everywhere.  See them balance in the air. What am I?

2.Come and sing a lullaby to the crescent in the sky.  Sometimes I am full and bright, a brilliant glowing ball of light! What am I?

3.I soar above the land and sea or sit upon a giant  tree.  Perching poised with piercing eyes, I silently search sea and skies.  What am I?

Connecting once again with Charlotte’s Web, I am going to give you some words that I found in the text that may be good ones for a Word Collector.  Your job will be to put these words in alphabetical order, figure out how many syllables they have, find the meaning for these words in the dictionary (you do not need an actual dictionary as you can always find the meaning from a digital source) and make a sentence up for each word. Those working in-class will be participating in these activities.

Next Tuesday, June 9, we will be having a class meeting.  You will be choosing one of the words I am providing and you will share one of the sentences that you have created with one of these words. We will also be sharing our Magnum Opus or our Hour of Triumph.  More info about that will come tomorrow.

Charlotte was a good writer and Wilbur even shared, “I haven’t got your gift for words!”  I know that Division 9 Word Collectors have a gift for words so give these ones a try!

Here are your Charlotte’s Web Word Collector Words from Chapters 18-22:

humble, fetching, vanished, scattering, masterpiece, languish, indigestion, murmured, promptly, weary, triumph, phenomenon, modest, revive, drenched, sentiments, desperate, summoned, aeronaut, pledge

Have a Wellness Wednesday!  Mrs. E.



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