WOW Wednesday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

WOW Wednesday!

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Welcome to WOW Wednesday.  It is a WOW day!  Wow, I am going to be at Clinton Elementary today to get set up for in-class learning.  Wow, I am going to give you another math riddle to piggyback onto what we experienced yesterday for our Math Super Hero Day! You really all put so much effort into your costumes.  I appreciated how you were ready to share your math powers, number sentences and math arrays.  For those of you that did not recognize an array in your recent adventures, you soon found out that you may be have been wearing an array, sitting on an array or walking on an array.  Wow, Mrs. Jefferson was really happy to be part of our class meeting and she was thrilled to get to see you in your costumes.  Wow, just 3 more days to get all of your assignments in. Report card writing will be happening over the next few weekends so please get your final assignments handed in.

WOW Math Riddle:  Using only 8’s, how can you get to the number 1000!  You can comment right onto the blog post if you have an answer!

WOW – Please continue to play the math games provided yesterday on the daily blog.  I have attached them to the Math Sidebar as well.  Just click on the links.

WOW my Word Collectors – how many words can you make with W and with O!  Wonderful, whimisical, water, word… Outrageous, outgoing, original, onion…! Again, you can comment right onto the blog post if you like.

WOW – These pictures are of the hallway bulletin board you created for International Women’s Day but how profound your words are for our journey these days.  I put a heart in the middle to let you know that we are all connected by an invisible heart string as well as your compassionate, caring, empowering words.



Hmmm, that makes me think of a story: The Invisible String! by Patrice Karst. Click on the link to hear the story!

“But how can we be together…?”  “You know we are always together, no matter what? People who love each other are always connected by a very special String made of love!”

Please also remember to take a look at the library blog and the audible stories Ms. Hossack shares.  The pass code is library 13.  This week, Ms. Hossack shares BECAUSE by Mo Willems about gratitude and compassion which WOW connects to the above message with an invisible string.  The Invisible String by Patrice Karst is dedicated to the children of the world and the magic of their STRINGS…

This thought of stretching your string with love out to your friends will come in handy with the question I will be asking you on the Friday blog post!

Have a magical, heart string, WOW Wednesday!  Mrs. E.


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