Mrs Dubé

A homework site for students in my classes.

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February 8, 2024 – Day 2

Thank you to the TTOC who came in for me to cover my classes today.

English 12:

Read p. 223-239 in MW.

Journal reflection assignment (using the same 6 questions we have used before) for Parts 23-25 (p. 223-239); DUE at the start of class Mon (Feb 12).

English 8:

Work block for short story composition project.

Reminder: Steps 1-3 of your planning must be complete by the end of  Monday’s class. Your completed DRAFT is due at the end of Wednesday’s class. You will be given both of these classes to complete these steps. Work not completed in class will need to be done at home.

English 11FP:

TWO pieces of writing for your portfolio. Please ensure table of contents us updated:

OTU Prompt #2:

What did you learn from Gena or from the experience overall?

What was something new you heard or experienced during her presentation?

What did you like most about her presentation and why?

CW Prompt #9:

Write about your voice. Do you think it suits you? Would you change it if you could? How has it changed over the years?

February 7, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Assignments for “The Stolen Party” collected at the start of class.

Silent reading.

Hand out criteria for composition project. If you missed today’s class, use this link to access the document:

Students will have a work block Friday for this project; please bring a laptop or tablet if you would like to use one. Writing by hand is also completely fine.

DUE DATES for this project:

Tues, Feb 13: by the end of this period, Steps 1-3 from the criteria sheet need to be completed in full.

Thurs, Feb 15: by the end of this period, your rough draft must be complete and ready to be checked.

Weds, Feb 21: composition package, including planning, steps 1-3, rough draft w editing AND TYPED good copy are due at the START of this class. Students will NOT have time to work on the project on Feb 21st as we will be transitioning to our next unit of study that day.

Reminder: review spelling terms for quiz at the start of class Fri. ***********

English 11FP: 

Film study: examining visual text for stereotype and topics and themes from the FP course.

Watch Season 1, episode 1 of “Reservation Dogs” (if you missed today’s class, this is on DisneyPlus).

  • active note taking for stereotype and theme
  • portfolio assignment: use notes (which need to be attached to your portfolio assignment) and write multi-paragraph reflection on what you detect as the use of stereotype and why the director uses them AND discussing which of the 21 themes and topics for the course, you see in this episode.

English 12: 

Part 20-21 reading quiz at the start of class.

Read p. 214 – 222 together as a class; discuss.

Part 22 analysis prompt (for portfolio):

Journal Response: write a multi-paragraph journal response reflecting on this section of the text when Angie dies giving birth to Franklin.

Were you surprised that this is how their relationship played out? What emotions did you feel as you read through this section? What are your feelings towards Eldon at this stage? How do you think Franklin is going to process this knowledge about his mother?


February 6, 2024

It seems my posting of this yesterday didn’t work. It glitched right as I posted it but it did show, on my end, as being posted. I apologize if anyone was looking for this and couldn’t find it last evening. Darn technology! Haha. 

English 12: 

Part 20-21 reading quiz at the start of class.

Read p. 214 – 222 together as a class; discuss.

Part 22 analysis prompt (for portfolio):

Journal Response: write a multi-paragraph journal response reflecting on this section of the text when Angie dies giving birth to Franklin.

Were you surprised that this is how their relationship played out? What emotions did you feel as you read through this section? What are your feelings towards Eldon at this stage? How do you think Franklin is going to process this knowledge about his mother?

English 8:

Assignments for “The Stolen Party” collected at the start of class.

Silent reading.

Hand out criteria for composition project. If you missed today’s class, use this link to access the document:

Students will have a work block Thursday for this project; please bring a laptop or tablet if you would like to use one. Writing by hand is also completely fine.

DUE DATES for this project:

Mon, Feb 12: by the end of this period, Steps 1-3 from the criteria sheet need to be completed in full.

Weds, Feb 14: by the end of this period, your rough draft must be complete and ready to be checked.

Tues, Feb 20: composition package, including planning, steps 1-3, rough draft w editing AND TYPED good copy are due at the START of this class. Students will NOT have time to work on the project on Feb 20th as we will be transitioning to our next unit of study that day.

English 11FP:

Guest presentation on oral traditions by Gena Sanderson, Indigenous support worker at Burnaby South.

February 6, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Part 20-21 of MW reading quiz.

Read p. 214-222 together as a class; discuss.

Writing prompt (for portfolio) Part 22 analysis:

Journal Response: write a multi-paragraph journal response reflecting on this section of the text when Angie dies giving birth to Franklin.

Were you surprised that this is how their relationship played out? What emotions did you feel as you read through this section? What are your feelings towards Eldon at this stage? How do you think Franklin is going to process this knowledge about his mother?

Remaining time to work on Journal Reflection for Parts 18-19 (assigned last class).

English 8:

Assignments for “The Stolen Party” collected at the beginning of the class.

Hand out criteria for composition assignment. If you missed today’s class, please use the following link to access the criteria document for yourself so you can complete the first planning stage prior to next class:

Remaining class time to produce an outline for your composition (due by end of the period).

Students will have the entire class on Thursday (Feb 8) to work on the three required planning stages for this assignment; if you would like to bring a laptop or tablet, please do so. Completing this by hand is also totally fine.

Proof of outline/brainstorm due at the end of class and checked for completion.


Mon, Feb 12 – students must have completed steps 1-3 of their planning. Students will have this period to work on their drafts and engage with peer editing.

Weds, Feb 14 – work block to finish drafts; by the end of the period on this day, students must have FINISHED their ROUGH draft.

Tues, Feb 20 – full writing package with planning, draft(s) and good copy due at the start of the class on this day; no class time will be provided to work on their writing this day as we will be moving into our next unit of study during this class.

English 11FP: 

Lesson on oral tradition with Gena Sanderson, Indigenous youth support worker at Burnaby South.

February 5, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Assignment for “Catch” due at the start of the class.

Copy spelling words: quiz at start of class Fri (Feb 9):

  1. behaviour
  2. alienated
  3. buoyancy
  4. business
  5. capital
  6. climate
  7. condensation
  8. culture
  9. currency
  10. denomination

Read “The Stolen Party” (p. 206); complete analysis sheet and hand in for grading. If you missed today’s class, please ensure you complete an analysis sheet to hand in along with the assignment below.

Point of view analysis assignment: p. 212 # 3 (150-250 words in length) – due Weds, Feb 7/24.

English 11FP:

Oral traditions unit writing prompt #1: (for portfolio)

What do you already know about First Peoples’ oral traditions? Include all information you can think of.

Did your ideas change or remain the same after discussing your ideas with the group and seeing the notes others made on the chart paper gallery walk? Explain.

Creative writing prompt #8 (for portfolio):

Write about a good-bye that you didn’t know was a last good-bye.

Organize portfolios and update table of contents for accuracy.

English 12:

Found poetry assignment (from Thurs) due at the start of class.

Read p. 169-199 in Medicine Walk.

Journal reflection assignment (using the same six questions as we’ve used for the other journals) for Parts 18 & 19 (for portfolio).

HOMEWORK: read p. 199-214 in Medicine Walk; reading QUIZ at the start of class Weds (Feb 7) on this section (PARTS 20 & 21) ONLY.

February 2, 2024 – Day 2

English 12:

Found poetry assignment (from Weds) due at the start of class.

Read p. 169-199 in Medicine Walk.

Journal reflection assignment (using the same six questions as we’ve used for the other journals) for Parts 18 & 19 (for portfolio).

HOMEWORK: read p. 199-214 in Medicine Walk; reading QUIZ at the start of class Tues (Feb 6) on this section (PARTS 20 & 21) ONLY.

English 8:

Assignment for “Catch” due at the start of the class.

Spelling quiz.

Read “The Stolen Party” (p. 206); complete analysis sheet and hand in for grading. If you missed today’s class, please ensure you complete an analysis sheet to hand in along with the assignment below.

Point of view analysis assignment: p. 212 # 2 (150-250 words in length) – due Tuesday, Feb 6th.

English 11FP:

Discuss answers from chart paper from class Weds re: oral traditions.

Oral traditions unit writing prompt #1: (for portfolio)

What do you already know about First Peoples’ oral traditions? Include all information you can think of.

Did your ideas change or remain the same after discussing your ideas with the group and seeing the notes others made on the chart paper gallery walk? Explain.

Creative writing prompt #8 (for portfolio):

Write about a good-bye that you didn’t know was a last good-bye.

Organize portfolios and update table of contents for accuracy.

February 1, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Silent reading.

Assignment for “Thank-you, Ma’am” due at the start of the class.

Read “Catch” (p. 51); analysis sheet.

Assignment: p. 61 #1 (due at the start of class Fri, Feb 2):

a) T-chart comparing Rita and Darlene (5 points for each character)

b) 6-8 sentence paragraph comparing the two characters to each other

English 11FP:

Overview: oral traditions unit.

Group discussion questions with chart paper responses.

English 12: 

Portfolio organization and update table of contents for accuracy.

Grammar worksheet (10 mins timed). If you missed today’s class, please ensure you attend a flex time to make this up ASAP.

Found poetry assignment (due Mon, Feb 5):


  • Found poems take existing texts and refashion them, reorder them, and present them as poems. The literary equivalent of a collage, found poetry can be made from novels, plays, newspaper articles, street signs, graffiti, speeches, letters, or even other poems.
  • A pure found poem consists exclusively of outside texts: the words of the poem remain as they were found, with few additions or omissions. Decisions of form, such as where to break a line, are left to the poet.


  • Using the text anywhere from Ch 1-17 in Medicine Walk, create your own FOUND POEMS on any TWO of the following themes:  hope; love; anger; and loss. You should reference 10-20 pages to provide your poems with variety.
  • Each poem needs to be 12-15 lines in length
  • It cannot include ANY words of your own – all of the words in your poem MUST come from Wagamese’s text
  • You can change verb tense/conjugation if you feel it’s needed

January 31, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Portfolio organization and update table of contents for accuracy.

Grammar worksheet (10 mins timed). If you missed today’s class, please ensure you attend a flex time to make this up ASAP.

Found poetry assignment (due Fri, Feb 2):


  • Found poems take existing texts and refashion them, reorder them, and present them as poems. The literary equivalent of a collage, found poetry can be made from novels, plays, newspaper articles, street signs, graffiti, speeches, letters, or even other poems.
  • A pure found poem consists exclusively of outside texts: the words of the poem remain as they were found, with few additions or omissions. Decisions of form, such as where to break a line, are left to the poet.


  • Using the text anywhere from Ch 1-17 in Medicine Walk, create your own FOUND POEMS on any TWO of the following themes:  hope; love; anger; and loss. You should reference 10-20 pages to provide your poems with variety.
  • Each poem needs to be 12-15 lines in length
  • It cannot include ANY words of your own – all of the words in your poem MUST come from Wagamese’s text
  • You can change verb tense/conjugation if you feel it’s needed

English 8:

Silent reading.

Assignment for “Thank-you, Ma’am” due at the start of the class.

Read “Catch” (p. 51); analysis sheet.

Assignment: p. 61 #1 (due at the start of class Fri, Feb 2):

a) T-chart comparing Rita and Darlene (5 points for each character)

b) 6-8 sentence paragraph comparing the two characters to each other

Reminder: spelling quiz at the start of class Fri. Please review your words and do not be late to class!

English 11FP:

“Borders” analysis due at the start of class.

Overview: oral traditions unit.

Group discussion questions with chart paper responses.


January 30, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Review analysis sheet for “The Hockey Sweater” together as a class.

Read “Thank-You, Ma’am” (p. 14); complete analysis sheet.

Analysis assignment (due Thurs): p. 18 #4 (150-250 words).

English 11FP:

Collect poetry assignment for “Coyote Goes to Toronto.”

Read “Borders” by Thomas King (handout).

Analysis assignment (on handout) – #1, #7 and #9. If you missed today’s class, I only have this as a hard copy so you’ll need to get it from me when I see you next.

English 12: 

Ch 12-15 journal completion check at the beginning of class; add to portfolio.

Discussion review of text and where we’re at now in the story.

Class time provided to read p. 151-169 in MW. Possible reading quiz on this section (only) at the start of class Thurs so please ensure you’ve done the reading. Poetry assignment in class Thurs is based off this section of the text so it’s essential you’ve done the reading BEFORE next class.

January 29, 2024 – Day 2

Welcome back post-assessment week, everyone! 🙂

English 12: 

Ch 12-15 journal completion check at the beginning of class; add to portfolio.

Discussion review of text and where we’re at now in the story.

Class time provided to read p. 151-169 in MW. Possible reading quiz on this section (only) at the start of class Weds so please ensure you’ve done the reading. Poetry assignment in class Weds is based off this section of the text so it’s essential you’ve done the reading BEFORE next class.

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz at the start of class Fri):

  1. typical
  2. until
  3. unusual
  4. usually
  5. valuable
  6. vegetable
  7. Wednesday
  8. writing
  9. honour
  10. neighbourhood

Review analysis sheet for “The Hockey Sweater” together as a class.

Read “Thank-You, Ma’am” (p. 14); complete analysis sheet.

Analysis assignment (due Weds): p. 18 #3 (150-250 words).

English 11FP:

Collect poetry assignment for “Coyote Goes to Toronto.”

Read “Borders” by Thomas King (handout).

Analysis assignment (on handout) – #1, #4 (make a list) and #9.


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