Mrs Dubé

A homework site for students in my classes.

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April 9, 2024 – Day 2

Reminder for ALL students at Burnaby South that Pd 1 tomorrow (Weds) STARTS at 8:40am, not at 9:10am!

English 12:

Black out poetry assignment (for portfolio). If you missed today’s class, you need to see me to get the materials you will need to complete this assignment.

Remaining class time to read/prep materials for LC #7 which is on Thurs (Apr 11).

English 8:

New seating plan for Term 3.

Auto-biographical poetry assignment; if you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the criteria and bring your completed poem with you to class next day:

Remaining class time to read/prepare materials for Lit Circle #7 which is on Thurs (Apr 11).

English 11FP:

Work block for essay. Students will also have work blocks to complete the thorough brainstorm and full draft (with evidence of editing) on Apr 11 and Apr 15. Complete brainstorm and edited draft is DUE by the end of class on Mon, Apr 15th. All work will be completed at this time. No work is to be done at home for this – students can come to flex if they’d like more time with their work.

April 8, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

New seating plan for Term 3.

Copy spelling words (quiz at the start of class Fri):

  1. bankruptcy
  2. acoustics
  3. capably
  4. circumference
  5. contagious
  6. discernable
  7. equilibrium
  8. haphazard
  9. flamboyant
  10. inconvenience

Lit Circle #6.

Remaining class time to read/prep materials for Lit Circle #7 which is on Fri, Apr 12th.

English 11FP:

Work block for brainstorm/drafting of essay on “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie.

** your FULL brainstorm, and complete draft (with editing) is due by the end of class on Tues, Apr 16th. 

English 12: 

Lit Circle #5.

S/R to read/prep for LC #6 which is Fri, Apr 12th.

Black out poetry assignment. If you missed today’s class, please come see me in flex to get the materials you will need to complete this assignment. We will continue working on this in class on Weds and it goes into your portfolio.

April 5, 2024 – Day 2

Thank you to the TTOC who covered my classes Friday for me. 🙂

English 12:

Lit Circle #5.

Remaining class time to prep for LC #6 which is on Apr 11th.

English 8:

Spring concrete poems collected at the start of class.

Lit Circle #6.

Extended silent read to read/prep materials for LC #7 which is on Apr 11th.

Haiku assignment:

Students are to write FOUR haiku poems – one about spring, one about summer, one about autumn and one about winter. Once you have them written, choose which poem is your best and circle it. Write a 1-2 sentence explanation of why you think the poem you chose is better than your other ones.  (due Tues, Apr 9)

    • Pay very close attention to counting your syllables so you don’t lose marks for this assignment.Review the structure for writing haiku (refer to your notes we took before the break)
    • Line 1: 5 syllables
    • Line 2: 7 syllables
    • Line 3: 5 syllables

English 11FP:

Work period for brainstorming for the five paragraph essay on “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie.

We will continue working on the brainstorm and drafting in class next week.



April 4, 2024 – Day 1

English 8: 

  • spring concrete poems due at the start of class
  • extended silent reading time to read/prep for Lit Circle #6 which is at the start of Monday’s class
    • Poetry assignment: Students are to write FOUR haiku poems – one about spring, one about summer, one about autumn and one about winter. Once you have them written, choose which poem is your best and circle it. Write a 1-2 sentence explanation of why you think the poem you chose is better than your other ones.  (due Mon, Apr 8)
    • Pay very close attention to counting your syllables so you don’t lose marks for this assignment.Review the structure for writing haiku (refer to your notes we took before the break)
    • Line 1: 5 syllables
    • Line 2: 7 syllables
    • Line 3: 5 syllables

English 11FP:

Note taking: review quote integration and literary citations.

Work period for brainstorming for the five paragraph essay on “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie.

We will continue working on the brainstorm and drafting in class next week.

English 12: 

Lit Circle #4.

S/R time to prep for LC #5 which is on Mon, Apr 8th.

April 3, 2024 – Day 2

Thank you to the TTOC who came in to cover my classes for me today. 🙂

English 12: 

Work block to finish name poem (from before the break and we ran out of time to finish it) for portfolio and to read/prep lesson materials for Lit Circle #5 which is on Fri (Apr 5). 

Name poem criteria:

Do you like your name? Do you ever wonder about the meaning of your name? Are there interesting stories behind your name? Have you ever asked your parents how they chose your name? How important was it to them and is it to you? Do you believe your name brings you a certain fate?

Write a 10-12 line free verse poem addressing the questions above. Your poem must have one simile, one metaphor, at least one use of alliteration and one use of personification. Underline these devices in your poem. Give your poem a creative title.

English 8:

Concrete poetry assignment:

Create a concrete (shaped) poem on the theme of spring. Use a sheet of white paper (given out in class). You should use as much of the paper as possible; creativity and colour are encouraged for this assignment.

DUE: Fri Apr 5/24

Remaining class time to read/prep for LC #6 on Fri, Apr 5.

English 11FP: 

  • read “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie; discuss for understanding.
  • begin working on brainstorming for literary essay using the following criteria (we will continue with brainstorming and/or drafting in class on Fri):

“Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie

Literary Analysis Essay

Step ONE: Brainstorming

Your brainstorm will be collected as part of this assignment so please ensure it is completed with effort and detail.

– Include quotes with page numbers in your brainstorming for ease of writing the final composition

You are to complete a thorough brainstorm for each of the FIVE points below:

PARAGRAPH #1: Provide an overview of the short story including main characters and plot line. The key with this step is to be concise and ensure you are focusing on the MAIN points to demonstrate your understanding.


PARAGRAPH #2: Discuss Alexie’s use of extended metaphor in this short story. Provide examples with properly quoted citations to demonstrate your understanding of this device and how the author uses it in his writing.


PARAGRAPH# 3: referring to the 21 themes and topics for the First Peoples’ course, choose TWO themes/topics you feel are present/important in Alexie’s story. Cite proof from the story to support your beliefs.


PARAGRAPH #4: What message do you believe Sherman Alexie is trying to convey about Indigenous culture in “Every Little Hurricane”? Provide evidence from the story to support your assertions.


PARAGRAPH #5: Write a literary review of this short story. Did you like it? Why or why not? What did you like or dislike about it? Compared to other short stories we’ve read so far this year by Indigenous authors, how do you feel this one compares?

Step TWO: Rough drafting

Using your point form notes from your brainstorm, create a rough draft for each of the five paragraphs that will make up your essay.

  • Paragraphs must be 8-12 sentences EACH in length

Quotes must be smoothly integrated into your writing and have proper page number citations; stand-alone quotes are not acceptable for this essay.

 Your rough drafting must be submitted for grading as part of this assignment.

This work stays in your portfolio and is NOT homework. Marks for this essay rely on the work you complete in class for this project. Emphasis is on brainstorming, drafting/editing and trying to demonstrate growth in your composition skills. The final, printed good copy weighs very little in comparison to the important development/progress components.

We will be working on this essay for a number of classes so please ensure work is always left in your portfolio so it doesn’t go missing.


April 2, 2024 – Day 1

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you, and your families, enjoyed a lovely Spring Break.

English 8: 

Lit Circle #5.

S/R – time to prep for LC #6 which is on Mon, Apr 8th.

Concrete poetry assignment:

Create a concrete (shaped) poem on the theme of spring. Use a sheet of white paper (that I will give you). You should use as much of the paper as possible; creativity and colour are encouraged for this assignment.

DUE: Thurs, Apr 4/24

English 11FP: 

  • mark Family Fitness grammar sheet from before the break
  • read “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie; discuss for understanding.
  • we will begin working on brainstorming and rough drafting in class on Thurs.

This work stays in your portfolio and is NOT homework. Marks for this essay rely on the work you complete in class for this project. Emphasis is on brainstorming, drafting/editing and trying to demonstrate growth in your composition skills. The final, printed good copy weighs very little in comparison to the important development/progress components.

We will be working on this essay for a number of classes so please ensure work is always left in your portfolio so it doesn’t go missing.

English 12: 

Work block to finish name poem (from before the break and we ran out of time to finish it) for portfolio and to read/prep lesson materials for Lit Circle #4 which is on Thur (Apr 4). 

Name poem criteria:

Do you like your name? Do you ever wonder about the meaning of your name? Are there interesting stories behind your name? Have you ever asked your parents how they chose your name? How important was it to them and is it to you? Do you believe your name brings you a certain fate?

Write a 10-12 line free verse poem addressing the questions above. Your poem must have one simile, one metaphor, at least one use of alliteration and one use of personification. Underline these devices in your poem. Give your poem a creative title.


March 15, 2024 – Day 2

Wishing all of my students and your families a fun and restful Spring Break. Classes resume on Tues, Apr 2nd and it will be a DAY 1. See you then! 🙂

English 12: 

Lit Circle #4.

Remaining class time to read/prep for LC #5 which is on Apr 5 (after the break).

English 8:

Spelling quiz at the start of class.

Lit Circle #5.

Reflection on “Love That Dog” by Sharon Creech:  Free Verse Poetry Review Assignment (due by the end of class)

After finishing reading Love That Dog by Sharon Creech, write your own FREE VERSE poem that is 10-15 lines in length that is about your review of the book.

You can include aspects of the book that you liked or disliked. You can include things that stood out to you in the book or emotions it made you feel or memories it brought back to you. You could also include questions the book left you with, if you had any when you finished reading it.

Remaining class time to read/prep for Lit Circle #6 which is on Fri, Apr 5 (after the break).

English 11FP:

Grammar booklet. If you missed today’s class, get it from me next day as I only have it as a photocopy.

Spring equinox photo essay walk about: It’s hard to believe it’s already time for the next set of photos. It’s a bit early but we’ll be on break when the actual equinox takes place so here we are! Take one photo that you feel represents the death of winter and then take one photo that you feel represents the birth of spring. You are welcome to use filters if you wish. Email me both images by the end of class:

March 14, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Read “Love That Dog” by Sharon Creech.

Reflection assignment:  Free Verse Poetry Review Assignment (due by the end of class)

After finishing reading Love That Dog by Sharon Creech, write your own FREE VERSE poem that is 10-15 lines in length that is about your review of the book.

You can include aspects of the book that you liked or disliked. You can include things that stood out to you in the book or emotions it made you feel or memories it brought back to you. You could also include questions the book left you with, if you had any when you finished reading it.

Remaining class time to read/prep for Lit Circle #5 which is on Tues, Apr 2 (our first day back after Spring Break!).

English 11FP:

Finish remaining speeches. If you missed class when the speeches were given and your absence is excused, you can make this mark up. If it is not excused, you have earned a zero.

Spring equinox photo essay walk about: It’s hard to believe it’s already time for the next set of photos. It’s a bit early but we’ll be on break when the actual equinox takes place so here we are! Take one photo that you feel represents the death of winter and then take one photo that you feel represents the birth of spring. You are welcome to use filters if you wish. Email me both images by the end of class:

English 12: 

Lit Circle #3.

Hand back MW comps.

CW prompt for Term 3 portfolio: (be sure to add this to your Table of Contents)


Do you like your name? Do you ever wonder about the meaning of your name? Are there interesting stories behind your name? Have you ever asked your parents how they chose your name? How important was it to them and is it to you? Do you believe your name brings you a certain fate?

Write a 10-12 line free verse poem addressing the questions above. Your poem must have one simile, one metaphor, at least one use of alliteration and one use of personification. Underline these devices in your poem. Give your poem a creative title.

*** I will give you time in class on Apr 2/24 to write this piece as we ran out of time today ***


March 13, 2024 – Day 2

English 12:

Work block for lit circles. LC #4 is on Fri (Mar 15). Students can also use the time to prep for LC #5 which happens the first week back after Spring Break.

English 8:

Jumbled paragraph writing assignment; if you missed today’s class, please get this from me next day as I only have it as a hard copy.

Remaining class time to read/prep for LC#5 on Fri (Mar 15).

REMINDER: spelling quiz at the start of class Fri; don’t forget to review your words!

English 11FP:

Finish remaining speeches for those who didn’t get time to go on Monday.

Washington Post article re: landfill. Highlight key information and hand in.

Grammar booklet: proper nouns and adjectives.

March 12, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Lit Circle #4.

Students have remaining class time to work on their reading and prepping lesson materials for LC #5 which is on Apr 2, RIGHT after we come back from Spring Break.

English 11FP:

  1. read Washington Post article on landfill and highlight KEY information; hand in.
  2. grammar booklet on proper nouns and adjectives

English 12: 

Info text non-fiction assignment; if you missed today’s class, please get this from me next day as I only have it as a hard copy.

Remaining class time to read/prep for LC# 3 which is on Thurs (Mar 14).

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