Mrs Dubé

A homework site for students in my classes.

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September 18, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

Finish reading Ch 1 in The Outsiders.

Ch 1 analysis questions (due at the start of class Weds) – please answer in FULL sentences with the exception of #1 as it is a list:

1)What do you know about Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry? Make a list for each character’s traits and qualities.

2)Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?

3)How do Ponyboy’s relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.

4)Why is the gang important to Johnny?

5)How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?

6)What does Ponyboy mean on page 18 when he says, “I lie to myself all the time”? Do you ever lie to yourself? Why or why not?

We will be writing our Gr 8 Letters to Self in class on Weds! If you’d like to bring special pens to use or stickers to include with your letter, please bring them to class Weds.


English 11FP:

  • short story terms quiz at the start of class
  • note taking: themes and topics in Indigenous literature/texts
  • watch “Skoden” by Snotty Nose Rez Kids; in small groups, discuss which themes/topics from the notes you feel apply to this music video.

REMINDER: Terry Fox walk/run on Weds. Please dress for the weather!

English 12:

  • short story terms quiz at the start of class
  • analysis questions for “The Lottery” – if you missed today’s class, please complete these paragraph responses  at home and bring with you next day:1)What is the first point in the story when you sense something isn’t quite right? Find at least one quote to support your answer; ensure you quote and cite the passage(s) correctly.

    2)Ironically, Tessie Hutchinson is the “winner” of the lottery. In a paragraph response (8-15 sentences), discuss how Tessie first views the lottery and the changes in her views as the story progresses. Also include in your response an overview of Old Man Warner’s feelings about the lottery; why do you think he feels the way he does?

September 15, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

  • silent reading
  • complete analysis sheet together as a class for “The Lottery”
  • analysis assignment x 2 for “The Lottery” – if you were absent from today’s class for any reason, complete these prompts for homework and hand in to me at the start of class Tuesday:1)The final impact of the story depends on Jackson creating a recognizable, friendly setting then placing within it a horrifying event. What is her purpose in doing this? What social comments do you believe Jackson is making about society?

    2)Imagine you are a citizen of another village and write a letter (150-200 words) to one of the minor characters in the story, explaining why your village has abolished the lottery. The justification you give in your story should relate to the context of Jackson’s story.

  • REMINDER: QUIZ at the start of class Tues on literary terms (Part D of handout)! Please ensure you review and that you are on time to class. Students who arrive late will not get extra time on the quiz.

English 8:

  • silent reading
  • overview of life in the 1950’s
  • reading in The Outsiders (p. 1 – 9)

English 11FP: 

  • silent reading
  • non-fiction article – overview of First Nations in Canada – highlighting and noting key terminology; if you were absent from today’s class, please get this hand out from me on Tuesday.
  • REMINDER: QUIZ at the start of class Tues on literary terms. Please ensure you review and that you are on time to class. Students who arrive late will not get extra time on the quiz.

September 14, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

  • silent reading begins as a course component on Monday so please ensure you bring a favourite book with you
  • Gr 8 library orientation today with Ms Yan

English 11FP:

  • finish reviewing short story terminology as a group; reminder: QUIZ on literary terms at the start of class MONDAY (Sept 18).
  • non-fiction article: An Introduction to First Nations in Canada – focus on note taking and highlighting key words in documents
  • silent reading begins as a course component on Monday so please ensure you bring a favourite book with you

English 12: 

  • reminder: QUIZ on literary terms section of hand out (Part D) at the start of class on Monday (Sept 18); please ensure you are on time and that you have studied
  • read “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson (p. 147); discuss and complete analysis sheet together as a class
  • silent reading begins as a course component on Monday so please ensure you bring a favourite book with you

September 13, 2023 – Day 2

English 12:

  • silent reading begins as a course component on Friday so please ensure you bring a favourite book with you
  • hand out short story terminology booklet and review briefly as a class; QUIZ at the start of class Tues (Sept 19) on the Literary Terms section of the booklet (PART D ONLY) – ensure you arrive to class on time AND that you’ve studied!
  • read “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson (p. 43 in your short story text book)

English 8:

  • silent reading begins as a course component on Friday so please ensure you bring a favourite book with you
  • Gr 8 library orientation today with Ms Yan

English 11FP:

  • silent reading begins as a course component on Friday so please ensure you bring a favourite book with you
  • hand out short story terminology booklet and review as a class; QUIZ at the start of class on Tues (Sept 19) on the Literary Terms section (ONLY); please ensure you arrive on time to class and that you study!
  • in class writing sample (50 mins) – if you missed today’s class, you will need to attend Flex Friday (Sept 15) at 8:40 am to make this assessment up

September 12, 2023 – Day 1

School photo day ****

English 8:

  • overview life in the 1950’s as set up for our novel study
  • group brainstorm: gang culture
  • read p. 1-6  in The Outsiders

English 11FP: 

  • hand out short story texts and update book card
  • hand out and review short story terminology booklet; QUIZ on Literary Terms section ONLY at the start of class on Mon, Sept 18th****

English 12:

  • hand out short story texts and update book cards; some students in this class have a grey text and some have a blue one. Both books contain the stories we will be studying; however, page numbers will differ. Please note on my homework site when I list page numbers for your class, I will give grey page # and blue page #.
  • hand out and review short story terminology booklet; QUIZ on Literary Terms (PART D of the handout ONLY) at the start of class on Mon, Sept 18th****


September 11, 2023 – Day 2

English 12:

  • attendance and seating plan
  • writing sample (50 mins timed) – if you missed today’s class, you will need to make this sample up during a flex time this week.
  • hand out short story texts and update book cards

English 8:

  • attendance and seating plan
  • writing sample (40 mins timed)- if you missed today’s class, you will need to make this sample up during a flex time this week.
  • hand out novels and update book cards

English 11FP:

  • Gr 11 assembly
  • attendance and seating plan
  • hand out short story texts and update book cards

September 8, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

  • attendance and seating plan
  • writing sample (40 mins timed)
  • hand out novels and update book cards

English 11FP:

  • attendance and seating plan
  • writing sample (50 mins timed) – if you missed today’s class, you will need to come see me in Flex on Monday to set up a time to write this assessment

English 12:

  • attendance and seating plan
  • writing sample (50 mins timed) – if you missed today’s class, you will need to come see me in Flex on Monday to set up a time to write this assessment


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