A homework site for students in my classes.

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October 19, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

  • note taking on multi-paragraph formatting and properly spacing/punctuating dialogue
  • work block for Ch 13 writing extensions – students have the remainder of the whole period to work on their rough drafts

REMINDER: Ch 13 writing packages, including brainstorm, edited rough draft and typed good copy, are due at the start of class Tues (Oct 24).

English 11FP:

  • continue watching film, “We Were Children.”

English 12: 

  • overview Edgar Allan Poe
  • read “Masque of the Red Death” (p. 197) and discuss themes/allusions
  • review analysis sheet for “The Rocking-Horse Winner”
  • remaining class time to complete analysis sheet and work on portfolios


Short story unit review and study class = Tues, Oct 24

Short story unit cumulative final exam = Thurs, Oct 26

October 18, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

  • overview of Edgar Allan Poe
  • read “The Masque of the Red Death” (this story is NOT in your anthology and students were given a photocopy of the story in class; if you missed today’s class, you need to search a copy of this story up online to read [there are loads of options available with a google search]); analysis sheet
  • review analysis sheet for “The Rocking-Horse Winner”
  • remaining class time to work on portfolios


  • review class, work time for portfolios and interim self-reflections = Mon, Oct 23
  • short story unit final exam (closed book) = Weds, Oct 25

English 8:

  • note taking: using multi-paragraphs and properly punctuating dialogue in your writing
  • work period for Ch 13 writing extension for our unit on The Outsiders

REMINDER: Ch 13 writing package is due at the start of class on Mon, Oct 23. You must submit your brainstorm, edited rough draft and typed good copy.

English 11FP:

  • creative writing prompt #3: (10 min write for portfolio)Describe a moment when you felt betrayed by someone close to you.
  • collect short story textbooks and update book cards
  • overview discussion for “We Were Children” documentary film by National Film Board of Canada (trigger warnings included)
  • begin watching film

October 17, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

  • finish reading The Outsiders
  • review criteria for final writing assessment for this unit: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/10/English-8-Outsiders-Final-Assignment-2.docx
  • this assessment package is due at the start of class on Oct 24/23
  • remaining class time to work on brainstorms
  • students will be given the entire period next day (Thurs) to work on their writing packages; students are welcome to bring laptops or tablets if they wish to use them

English 11FP: 

  • collect short story textbooks and update book cards
  • Creative writing prompt (for portfolio) #3 (10 mins):Describe a moment when you felt betrayed by someone close to you.
  • overview film “We Were Children”
  • begin watching film

English 12:

  • read “The Rocking-horse Winner”  (p. 220); complete analysis sheet
  • analysis assignment (for portfolio): character analysis assignment in paragraph format:At which point during your reading of the story were you most dissatisfied with the mother’s actions? When did she act most irresponsibly? What was the resulting consequence of her actions?

October 16, 2023 – Day 2

English 12:

  • review analysis sheet for “Totem” (p. 119) which was read in class on Oct 10th
  • read “The Rockinghorse Winner”  (p. 383); analysis sheet

    1) Why is she, along with the father, left unnamed, at least right up until the very end of the story?

    2) What is missing from her life, from the lives of her family members, that she mistakes for luck? Explain.

    3) At the climactic point in the story, the mother “rush[es] to gather…up” her fallen son. In what way does this single action break with the behaviours she exhibits in the rest of the story? Why does the author allow this to happen?

English 8:

  • new seating plan
  • finish reading The Outsiders
  • go over criteria for final writing assessment for this unit (due Oct 23). If you missed today’s class, please click this link to get the assignment criteria: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/10/English-8-Outsiders-Final-Assignment.docx
  • students have remaining class time to begin working on their brainstorms
  • students will have ALL of next period to work on the rough draft of their writing assignment; please bring laptops/tablets for Weds if you wish to use them******

English 11FP:

  • new seating plan
  • in class writing assessment: students have all class to write using the textbook, their notes and a dictionary, if they wish. No devices are permitted for this assessment. Students hand in their notes and their writing by the end of the period.

October 13, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

  • creative writing prompt # 1 for your portfolio (10 mins)
  • Read Ch 11 and up to p. 177 in The Outsiders

English 11FP:

  • in class writing assessment for short story unit
  • if you missed today’s class, you will need to come to flex on Monday morning to write this piece; however, your parent/guardian needs to call the school to excuse your absence in order for you to be eligible to write this in flex. Unexcused absences will take a zero for this assessment.

English 12: 

  • in class write comparing the film and text versions of “The Painted Door”

October 12, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

In class writing assignment to compare film version to text version of “The Painted Door.”

  • notes from when you were watching the film submitted with your writing
  • if you missed today’s class and providing your absence is excused, you need to set up a time with me to come during flex to make this piece of writing up ASAP *****

English 8:

Creative writing prompt #1 (for our portfolios): What does family mean to you? What do you like about the idea of having family? What do you dislike about the idea of having family? If you missed today’s class, please do this piece of writing at home and bring it with you to next class so we can add it to your portfolio.

Read all of Ch 11 and up to p. 178  in The Outsiders.

English 11FP: 

Read “Lost in Space” (p. 46-55). While you are reading, take NOTES on similarities and differences you see between this story and “Take Us to Your Chief.” Areas to focus your notes on: themes, conflict. symbolism, humour, character and characterization, tone and setting.

You need your notes to complete an in class writing assessment which will happen on Monday, Oct 16th.

October 11, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

  • vocabulary booklets collected at the start of class
  • Read Ch 9 and 10 in The Outsiders

English 11FP: 

  • read “Lost in Space” (p. 46-55)
  • while you’re reading, take notes to compare and contrast this story with “Take Us to Your Chief”
  • notes will be used to support an in class piece of writing you’ll be doing on Friday
  • FOCUS for notes: look for similarities and differences in things like theme, conflict. characters/characterization, tone, setting, symbolism, humour etc.

English 12:

  • watch the film version of “The Painted Door” while taking notes for in class write Friday. If you missed today’s class, please watch the film using the following link to prepare your notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywJHBjMwJPs
  • review analysis sheet for “Totem” together as a class
  • grammar worksheet #1; if you missed today’s class, I only have this as a hard copy so please get it from me next day

October 10, 2023 – Day 2

I am still recovering from this awful cold and flu bug I’ve had since late last week; I hope to be back at school with you all tomorrow. Thank you to Ms Marsh for coming in as a TTOC for me today.

English 12: 

*** I have delayed the in class writing assignment comparing the text to film for The Painted Door; we’ll do this Thurs when I’m back 🙂

  • read the short story “Totem” by Thomas King on p. 119 in your short story textbook.
  • complete the analysis sheet for this story, using their terminology handbook for support.

English 8:

  • Vocab booklets #1 collected at the start of class for those who took them home with them. If you missed last class, please get this booklet from. me on Thurs as I only have them as a hardcopy and there’s a TTOC in for me today.
  • Read Ch 9 and 10 in The Outsiders (if you do not finish the reading during class time, please read for homework and arrive to class Thurs ready to pick up with Ch 11).

English 11FP:

  • Analysis assignment for “Take Us to Your Chief” (p. 136-146) that we read last day:1) VOCAB: Find THREE words in the story that are either new to you, challenging to you or unique to you. Write the word out and its definition.

    2) DEVICE: Find and identify TWO literary devices the author uses in the story. Correctly quote and cite the line from the story.

    3) ANALYSIS: (paragraph response) The author uses satirical humour throughout the story. Explain how his use of humour impacts your appreciation for, and understanding of, the story as a whole.


October 6, 2023 – Day 1

Thank you to Mr Clarke for coming in as a TTOC to cover my classes today. I’m very under the weather currently but hoping I’ll be feeling better soon and see all my groups back on Tuesday.  I hope everyone enjoys a lovely long weekend with your friends and families.

English 8:

  • Ch 5-7 reading quiz
  • silent reading
  • Read Ch 8 in The Outsiders
  • Vocabulary booklet #1 (if students didn’t finish this in class, it is to be done as homework and brought to class Weds)

English 11FP:

  • Analysis assignment for “Take Us to Your Chief” (p. 136):
  • 1) VOCAB: Find THREE words in the story that are either new to you, challenging to you or unique to you. Write the word out and its definition.
  • 2) DEVICE: Find and identify TWO literary devices the author uses in the story. Correctly quote and cite the line from the story.
  • 3) ANALYSIS: The spaceship and its inhabitants in the story are symbolic. In a paragraph, explain the symbolism with regard to Indigenous nations in Canada.

English 12:

  • Read “Totem” (p. 386) and complete analysis sheet, in full, on your own, using your terminology handbook.
  • We’ll do the film study lesson next Weds when I am back (it’s too complicated to leave all that for a TTOC) 😉

October 5, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

Watch film version of “The Painted Door”; note taking throughout according to criteria given last day for in class writing assignment. Notes added to portfolios for safe keeping. ** in class write will happen Tues, Oct 10th ** 

If you were absent from today’s class, please watch the film using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywJHBjMwJPs

Grammar worksheet. If you missed today’s class, I only have these sheets as a hard copy so please get one from me upon your return.

English 8:

Ch 5-7 reading quiz on The Outsiders at the beginning of class.

Silent reading.

Read Ch 8 together as a class.

Vocabulary booklet #1. If you missed today’s class, I only have these sheets as a hard copy so please get one from me upon your return. If students didn’t finish in class, please complete and home and return at the start of class Tues.

English 11FP: 

Finish note taking on key themes and topics in First Peoples’ lit.

Evacuation drill 12:50pm.

Read “Take Us To Your Chief” (p. 136-146 in your short story textbook). If you didn’t finish reading in class, this must be done for homework so you are prepared for the analysis assignment in class on Tues.

REMINDER from Mr. Kwan: CLC 11 session #1 is tomorrow, Fri, Oct 6th at 8:30am in the MJF. Attendance is mandatory. 


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