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November 20, 2023 – Day 1


English 8:

Read p. 96-98 in HKL.

Remaining class time to complete Journal #4 (p. 72-98). Student who did not finish Journal #4 in class must complete it for homework and bring to class Weds. ***

Silent reading if finished before the end of the period.

English 11FP:

Expression of Grief projects due at the start of the class.

Watch “Maurice Richard: The Rocket’s Legacy” short documentary from hockeywriters.com.

Read Ch 15-18 in Indian Horse.

Analysis assignment: due Weds.

On p. 59, Wagamese describes Saul’s experience of seeing TV for the first time. Imagine what this experience would be like for you.

1) create a list of FIVE adjectives that you think would describe this experience (remember to try to consider increasing the level of vocabulary you use).

2) using some of the adjectives from above, create THREE similes that describe your experience.

3) using the similes above, turn them into THREE metaphors; not that you are not creating new metaphors – you are simply demonstrating your ability to convert your similes into metaphors.

Example (students can reference this but not use it as their own):

1) amazing

2) Simile: Seeing TV for the first time ever would be amazing like a visual circus in front of your eyes.

3) Metaphor: Seeing TV for the first time ever would be an amazing visual circus in front of your eyes.

English 12: 

In class writing assessment relating to Act 1-3 in Othello. If you missed today’s class, you need to email me ASAP to arrange a time to make this assessment up during flex. shelley.dube@burnabyschools.ca

November 17, 2023 – Day 2

English 12:

Collect Act I and II review sheet from last day.

Read Act 3, sc 1-3 in Othello.

Note taking: properly quoting and citing Shakespeare in your writing. If you missed today’s class, you can copy out the follow series of notes on a piece of paper that you will be allowed to have as a reference for the in class write on Tuesday. Devices will not be allowed during this write so a picture of the notes will not suffice.

1)Always try to be as specific as possible in your references to the play you are arguing about. When appropriate, quote directly from the play to support your point. The quotation itself is identified by act, scene, and line, not by page number. Do not quote huge passages; these take up too much space in a short essay and are better summarized.

EXAMPLE: Hamlet contemplates the implications of suicide in the “to or not to be” soliloquy (3.1.56-87).

2) If the quotation is more than one line long, but less than four, and it is in verse, then you must show the line divisions.

Here’s an example of how this is done in an essay:

When Talbot enters in the next scene, dying from a wound, his thoughts are on John, from whom he became separated in the battle: “Into the clustering battle of the French, / And in that sea of blood my boy did drench / His overmounting spirit; and there died” (4.7.13-15).


English 8:

Journal #3 checks for students who took this home for homework.

Read p. 71-98 in HKL.

Begin working on Journal #4.

Eng 11FP:

Read Ch 11-14 in Indian Horse.

Students have remaining class time to finish Journal #1 assignment and add to portfolio PLUS Creative Writing prompt #6:

Can a person die of a broken heart? Explain.

You may choose to respond in either poetry (min 20-25 lines) or prose (min 2 paragraphs).

Review marking criteria for Expression of Grief projects that are due on Tues, Nov 21/23:

Clear evidence of the analysis of the text and your understanding/observation of Mary’s grief conveyed through the medium chosen  /25

Creativity and effort imparted on medium and expression chosen  /25

** in class writing assessment will be on Thurs, Nov 23/23. **


November 16, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

First 25 mins of class time dedicated to completing Journals 1-3; if students are not finished by this time, they must complete for homework before the next class on Monday.

Read p. 71-96 in HKL.

English 11FP:

Read Ch 11-14 in Indian Horse.

Creative writing journal #6 (for portfolio): Ch 11-14 Analysis:

Can a person die of a broken heart? Explain.

You may choose to respond in either poetry (min 20-25 lines) or prose (min 2 paragraphs).



Clear evidence of the analysis of the text and your understanding/observation of Mary’s grief conveyed through the medium chosen  /25

Creativity and effort imparted on medium and expression chosen  /25

English 12:

Collect Act I and II review sheet from last day.

Read Act 3, sc 1-3 in Othello.

Note taking: properly quoting and citing Shakespeare in your writing. If you missed today’s class, you can copy out the follow series of notes on a piece of paper that you will be allowed to have as a reference for the in class write on Monday. Devices will not be allowed during this write so a picture of the notes will not suffice.

1)Always try to be as specific as possible in your references to the play you are arguing about. When appropriate, quote directly from the play to support your point. The quotation itself is identified by act, scene, and line, not by page number. Do not quote huge passages; these take up too much space in a short essay and are better summarized.

EXAMPLE: Hamlet contemplates the implications of suicide in the “to or not to be” soliloquy (3.1.56-87).

2) If the quotation is more than one line long, but less than four, and it is in verse, then you must show the line divisions.

Here’s an example of how this is done in an essay:

When Talbot enters in the next scene, dying from a wound, his thoughts are on John, from whom he became separated in the battle: “Into the clustering battle of the French, / And in that sea of blood my boy did drench / His overmounting spirit; and there died” (4.7.13-15).


November 15, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

Read Act II, sc iii in Othello.

Act I and II review sheet. If you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/11/Eng12-Act-I-II-Review-Sheet.docx

English 8:

Work block for Journal #3 for HKL. Students who did not finish Journal #3 must complete it for homework.

English 11FP:

Ch 1-10 Review Analysis Assignment (due by the end of the class): Each response must be a min. of 3-8 sentences in length:

1) Read the passage from p. 11 beginning with, “She was lost to me then…” and discuss how Saul’s mother becomes lost because of her children being taken away. What does this look like? Explain how this experience impacts Saul.

2) At the end of Ch 10, Saul is left completely alone. Who has he lost? Why has this happened? How do you think all of these losses will impact him? Do you think there could be a link between these losses so early in his life and the fact that the novel opens with Saul in a rehab facility? Explain.

3) Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far (up to and including Ch 10) and copy out the quote. Why does this passage in particular resonate with you? How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to this point? Of the 21 themes and topics for the First Peoples’ course, which do you feel connect with the passage you have chosen? Explain the connections you see.

Remaining time to work on Journal #1 for Ch 6-8. Students will be given 20-25 mins of class time on Fri to finish Journal #1 then they are due; if students need more time than this to complete this assignment Fri, they should do it for homework or come to flex time before Friday’s class.

November 14, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

Journal #2 check at the start of class during silent reading.

Read p. 56-71 in HKL.

Start working on Journal #3 (p. 46-71). Students will be given 25-30 mins of time next class to complete Journal #3.

English 11FP:

Journal #1 check for completion.

Ch 1-10 analysis review questions for Indian Horse (due by the end of the period): Each response should be 3-8 sentences EACH. Focus on writing correct, full sentences that are punctuated properly. Quotes, when used, must be properly integrated, punctuated and cited, including page number.

1) Read the passage from p. 11 beginning with, “She was lost to me then…” and discuss how Saul’s mother becomes lost because of her children being taken away. What does this look like? Explain how this experience impacts Saul.

2) At the end of Ch 10, Saul is left completely alone. Who has he lost? Why has this happened? How do you think all of these losses will impact him? Do you think there could be a link between these losses so early in his life and the fact that the novel opens with Saul in a rehab facility? Explain.

3) Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far (up to and including Ch 10) and copy out the quote with correct citation. Why does this passage in particular resonate with you? How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to this point? Of the 21 themes and topics for the First Peoples’ course, which do you feel connect with the passage you have chosen? Explain the connections you see.

English 12: 

Read Act II, sc iii in Othello.

Act I and II review sheet (due Thurs). If you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the review sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/11/Eng12-Act-I-II-Review-Sheet.docx .

November 10, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

Read Act II, Sc i & ii in Othello.

2 x analysis paragraphs (for portfolios):

Paragraph #1: The play demonstrates that jealousy can be a dangerous motivator. Why do you think Roderigo is so consumed by it? Iago sees jealousy as a tool to be used against people. How does he manage to do that?

Paragraph #2: What are your own views on jealousy? In a journal entry, write about an incident in which jealousy led to unpleasant consequences. Do you view jealousy as a character flaw or just a normal part of human nature?

Dates to remember: in class writing assessment = Nov 21/23; portfolio work block = Nov 28/23. Term 1 cut off = Dec 1/23,

English 8:

Spelling quiz at the start of the class.

Journal #2 check while students are silent reading.

Read p. 47-71 in HKL.

Begin working on Journal #3; class time will be given for students to work on Journal #3 next day so it does NOT have to be completed for homework.

English 11FP:

Mark run on sentence and fragment worksheet (from a few classes ago) together as a class.

Read Ch 9 & 10 in Indian Horse.

Review criteria for Expression of Grief creative project:

You are to construct a creative expression to convey the depth of Mary’s grief at the beginning of Ch 8 in the novel. “My mother’s keening by the river was eerie…” (p.31).

Given that this is a very creative and insightful assignment, I offer little constraint in terms of what you construct. This expression may be a poem. You may compose a song (lyrics and music). You may create a painting, a sculpture, a photo essay or video constructed on digital media. The medium you choose is entirely up to you but bear in mind, the effort you put into your expression will be a key basis for the grading of this assignment.
DUE: Nov 21/23

November 9, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

Silent reading.

Class time provided for students to finish Journal # 2 (p. 25-46) for HKL. Students who did not finish Journal #2 this class need to complete it for homework and have it ready to be checked at the start of class Tuesday.

Read p. 47 – 56 in the novel.

English 11FP: 

Read Ch 9 & 10 in Indian Horse.

Review criteria for Expression of Grief creative project:

You are to construct a creative expression to convey the depth of Mary’s grief at the beginning of Ch 8 in the novel. “My mother’s keening by the river was eerie…” (p.31).

Given that this is a very creative and insightful assignment, I offer little constraint in terms of what you construct. This expression may be a poem. You may compose a song (lyrics and music). You may create a painting, a sculpture, a photo essay or video constructed on digital media. The medium you choose is entirely up to you but bear in mind, the effort you put into your expression will be a key basis for the grading of this assignment.
DUE: Pd 2 = Nov 20/23

Remaining class time to work on finishing Journal #1 (for ch 6-8) from last day and/or brainstorming for creative project (see above criteria).

English 12: 

Read Act II, sc i & ii in Othello.

Analysis assignment (for portfolio):

Paragraph #1: The play demonstrates that jealousy can be a dangerous motivator. Why do you think Roderigo is so consumed by it? Iago sees jealousy as a tool to be used against people. How does he manage to do that?

Paragraph #2: What are your own views on jealousy? In a journal entry, write about an incident in which jealousy led to unpleasant consequences. Do you view jealousy as a character flaw or just a normal part of human nature?


November 8, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

Read Act I, sc iii in Othello.

Analysis paragraph (for portfolio):

Sometimes people tell lies deliberately to get what they want. Do you think that telling people what they want to hear is an effective way to win their affections? Have you ever used this strategy, and if you have, did it work? Why or why not?

English 8:

Silent reading.

Work block to complete Journal #2 for HKL. If students did not finish during class time, it must be done for homework.

REMINDER: study your spelling words; quiz at the start of class Friday.

English 11FP:

Side by Side portrait assignments collected at the start of class.

If students took home the analysis questions for “The Two Sisters,” these were collected as well.

Read p. 21-33 in Indian Horse.

Reader’s response journal assignment; if you missed today’s class, please click the following link for the criteria sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/11/Eng-11FP-Indian-Horse-Journal-Prompts.docx. Students will be given more time to work on this journal on Friday.

November 7, 2023 – Day 1

English 8:

Journal #1 homework check.

Silent reading.

Read p. 25-46 in HKL.

Begin working on Journal #2; students will be given a work block next day to complete Journal #2.

English 11FP:

Side by Side portrait assignments collected at the start of class.

If students took home the analysis questions for “The Two Sisters,” these were collected as well.

Read p. 21-33 in Indian Horse.

Reader’s response journal assignment; if you missed today’s class, please click the following link for the criteria sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/11/Eng-11FP-Indian-Horse-Journal-Prompts.docx. Students will be given more time to work on this journal on Thursday.

English 12:

Paragraphs from last day added to portfolios.

Read Act I, sc iii in Othello.

Analysis assignment: p. 61 # 6 (paragraph response though, not essay as it says in the question prompt in the book).

November 6, 2023 – Day 2

English 12: 

Read Act I, sc ii in Othello.

Paragraph analysis assignment (for portfolio):

When you encounter people who don’t agree with your point of view about a particular issue, what do you do? Ignore them? Try to convince them that you are right? Feel insignificant? Get angry? Do nothing?

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz at the start of class Fri):

  1. adolescent
  2. occurred
  3. privilege
  4. receive
  5. recommend
  6. secretary
  7. separate
  8. surprise
  9. written
  10. traits

Silent reading.

Journal #1 completion check.

Read p. 25-46 in HKL.

Begin working on Journal #2. Students will be given the entire class on Weds as a work block to complete Journal #2. Students who did not have Journal #1 complete for today are asked to ensure they bring it with them on Weds to add to their portfolio.

English 11FP:

Read “The Two Sisters” legend by Pauline Johnson; if you missed today’s class, please source a copy of this story online so you can complete the analysis assignment.

Analysis questions to be completed in FULL sentences (due Weds, Nov 8):

1) Find two examples of similes from the text and write them out.

2) Why are women so revered in the Tyee culture?

3) Who were the  Tyee at war with?

4) What did the daughters ask for for their birthday?

5) Why did Sagalie Tyee decide to make the chief’s daughters immortal?

REMINDER: Side by Side Portrait assignments are due at the start of class on Weds (Nov 8) as well.


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