English 8:

40 mins of class time to work on Journal #1 for Word Nerd (p. 1-26). Students who finish early = silent reading; if students are not finished at the end of this time, it will need to be completed for homework as there will be a Journal #1 check at the beginning of class on Monday.

Read p. 27-49  in Word Nerd.

So long as your Journal #1 is complete, there is no homework as we will not be starting Journal #2 until Monday’s class after we do a bit more reading in the novel. If you missed today’s class, please ensure you have done the readings in full and that you bring Journal #1 with you for the journal check on Monday.

English 11FP:

Organizing notes from “Reservation Dogs” into thematic categories for the 21 themes and topics for the course; decide which theme is most commonly represented in your notes as this will form the basis of your essay’s thesis statement.

Hand out essay criteria; if you missed today’s class, use this link to access a copy:


Begin working on essay outline; if you missed today’s class, use this link to print one off:


You will be given time in class on Mon, May 13 to finish your outline. Essay will be written IN CLASS starting on May 15th and finishing on May 21. Work will be collected by me in between the two periods. Students are not permitted to use devices whilst writing their essay but you are welcome to use a copy of a dictionary if it’s helpful. Only students with an IEP on file will be given extra time beyond the two writing periods if it’s necessary. Students who miss class May 15 and/or May 21 with an UNEXCUSED absence will not be given further opportunity to work on the essay. 

English 12: 

15 mins to work on creative writing prompts from last day (for portfolios).

Protest poetry tradition – discuss and annotate. If you missed today’s class, please get this booklet of poetry from me when you’re back.

Hand out Great Depression essay criteria; if you missed today’s class, use this link:


Students are reminded to bring laptops/tablets next day to begin their research.

Essay will be written IN CLASS on May 21st. Students who are absent without being excused on this day will take a zero on this essay.