English 12:

Creative writing prompts (for portfolio); 40 mins in class time to work on your writing. If you missed today’s class, use this link for the prompt sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2024/05/Eng-12-Creative-Prompts-May-2024.docx

Intro: the protest poetry tradition; if you missed today’s class, please get the booklet from me when you’re back.

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz Fri):

  1. optimism
  2. mischievous
  3. nostalgia
  4. outrageous
  5. pageant
  6. parliament
  7. personification
  8. precocious
  9. procrastinate
  10. protein

Read p. 1-27 in Word Nerd.

Journal #1 [p. 1-27] (for portfolio) using UPDATED prompts from last day. Please be VERY careful to ensure you are using the UPDATED criteria for the journal prompts and NOT the ones we used for Henry K Larsen.

English 11FP:

Continue watching “Reservation Dogs” on Disneyplus S1, E5 & 6. Note taking for themes you see being evidenced in the episodes.