English 8: 

“My Very Bad Day” short story projects due at the start of class.

Hand out short story text books and update book cards.

Hand out short story terminology hand book and review as a class. If you missed today’s class, click the following link to print your own: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/12/Eng-8-Short-Story-Terms-Booklet.docx

Read “Ambush” (p. 61) together as a class and fill in analysis sheet together as a class.

English 11FP:

In class composition. If you missed today’s class, your absence must be officially excused for you to make up this assessment. For folx whose absence is excused, you will make this up in flex the first week when we’re back in January. Unexcused absences = zero.

English 12: 


Wishing all of my Day 1 students, and their families, a happy, relaxing and healthy winter break. I’ll see you back at South in the New Year! 🙂