English 12: 

In order to work to minimize the distraction of phones during class time, my classes will have a new expectation for Terms 2 and 3 that if a student asks to leave my room for any reason (washroom, locker, getting water etc), you will be asked to leave your phone on my desk until you return.  Phones can be retrieved after your return and then placed back into your bag or backpack (unless we’re doing an assessment and I’ve asked you to have it face down on your desk).

Read Act 4, Sc 2 & 3.

Comma worksheet; if you missed today’s class, please get this from me on Wednesday as I only have it as a hard copy.

Class time to study for Act 4 QUIZ at the start of class Wednesday. Students will be able to have the text for the quiz not no devices will be permitted and it will be time limited.

English 8:

New seating plan for Term 2!

Also, in order to work to minimize the distraction of phones during class time, my classes will have a new expectation for Terms 2 and 3 that if a student asks to leave my room for any reason (washroom, locker, getting water etc), you will be asked to leave your phone on my desk until you return.  Phones can be retrieved after your return and then placed back into your bag or backpack (unless we’re doing an assessment and I’ve asked you to have it face down on your desk).

Copy spelling words. Quiz at the start of class Friday:

  1. opportunity
  2. original
  3. parallel
  4. peculiar
  5. permanent
  6. persuade
  7. possess
  8. probably
  9. realize
  10. receipt

Check Journal #6 for completion.

Read p. 143-195 in HKL.

Journal #7 (p.143-195) is homework and needs to be done before the start of class Weds.

English 11FP:

In order to work to minimize the distraction of phones during class time, my classes will have a new expectation for Terms 2 and 3 that if a student asks to leave my room for any reason (washroom, locker, getting water etc), you will be asked to leave your phone on my desk until you return.  Phones can be retrieved after your return and then placed back into your bag or backpack (unless we’re doing an assessment and I’ve asked you to have it face down on your desk).

Read Ch 23-26 in Indian Horse as a class. Read Ch 26-27 on your own.

Poetry Assignment (due Weds):

Recall the time when you first became aware that you were different from a majority for any reason (culture, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, short, tall, skinny, fat etc). Think of how that moment felt and how such moments factor into the creation of one’s sense of personal identity.

1) Create a list of AT LEAST TWELVE adjectives that relate to this experience for you.

2) Create a poem that is 15-25 lines in length which expands on your experience and also incorporates your adjective list from #1 (above).

3) Hand in both the adjective list and your poem.

HOMEWORK: Read Ch 28-31 in Indian Horse. There will be a reading quiz on THESE CHAPTERS ONLY at the start of class on Wednesday. The quiz will be closed book with no access to devices so please ensure you have done the readings.