English 12: 

Mark Act 3 review and grammar worksheet together as a class.

Read Act 4, sc 1 in Othello.

Text modernization assignment (due Mon):

AREA OF FOCUS: Act IV, sc i lines 173-220

Rewrite this section of dialogue between Iago and Othello in modern English as a series of texts (yes, imagine they both have iphones – haha!). Each text must have at least one hashtag (#) to convey your deeper understanding of the conversation between the men, their characters and their relationship dynamic.

  • Othello must have thirteen texts and Iago must have twelve in order to keep true to the exchange between the men in Shakespeare’s play.
  • You are encouraged to be creative in your paraphrasing to show your understanding of each character at this point in the play while also accurately depicting the plot to be progressed through this section of the script.

English 8:

Check Journal #5 as was to have been completed for homework.

End of term self-reflection.

Read p. 122-143 in HKL.

Portfolio organization in advance of Term 1 cut off tomorrow.

Journal #6 (p. 122-143) – must be completed for homework if not finished in today’s class.

English 11FP:

Read Ch 19-22 in Indian Horse.

Ch 11-22 analysis questions (due in class):

1) Discuss what the game of hockey means to Saul. How does it help him survive at residential school?

2) What does “Zhaunagush” mean? Why do the other children at the residential school call Saul a “Zhaunagush”? What impact does this name have on him?

3) Describe the relationship between Saul and Father Leboutelier. How does the priest help Saul?


For all classes: The Term 1 cut off is tomorrow at 3:03pm. All outstanding work must be submitted by this time or it will not be considered in the grading of your Term 1 report card. Incomplete portfolios will not be graded so students must ensure their portfolio has all required work in it by the end of the day tomorrow.