English 12:

Collect Act I and II review sheet from last day.

Read Act 3, sc 1-3 in Othello.

Note taking: properly quoting and citing Shakespeare in your writing. If you missed today’s class, you can copy out the follow series of notes on a piece of paper that you will be allowed to have as a reference for the in class write on Tuesday. Devices will not be allowed during this write so a picture of the notes will not suffice.

1)Always try to be as specific as possible in your references to the play you are arguing about. When appropriate, quote directly from the play to support your point. The quotation itself is identified by act, scene, and line, not by page number. Do not quote huge passages; these take up too much space in a short essay and are better summarized.

EXAMPLE: Hamlet contemplates the implications of suicide in the “to or not to be” soliloquy (3.1.56-87).

2) If the quotation is more than one line long, but less than four, and it is in verse, then you must show the line divisions.

Here’s an example of how this is done in an essay:

When Talbot enters in the next scene, dying from a wound, his thoughts are on John, from whom he became separated in the battle: “Into the clustering battle of the French, / And in that sea of blood my boy did drench / His overmounting spirit; and there died” (4.7.13-15).


English 8:

Journal #3 checks for students who took this home for homework.

Read p. 71-98 in HKL.

Begin working on Journal #4.

Eng 11FP:

Read Ch 11-14 in Indian Horse.

Students have remaining class time to finish Journal #1 assignment and add to portfolio PLUS Creative Writing prompt #6:

Can a person die of a broken heart? Explain.

You may choose to respond in either poetry (min 20-25 lines) or prose (min 2 paragraphs).

Review marking criteria for Expression of Grief projects that are due on Tues, Nov 21/23:

Clear evidence of the analysis of the text and your understanding/observation of Mary’s grief conveyed through the medium chosen  /25

Creativity and effort imparted on medium and expression chosen  /25

** in class writing assessment will be on Thurs, Nov 23/23. **