English 12: 

Read Act II, sc iii in Othello.

Act I and II review sheet. If you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/11/Eng12-Act-I-II-Review-Sheet.docx

English 8:

Work block for Journal #3 for HKL. Students who did not finish Journal #3 must complete it for homework.

English 11FP:

Ch 1-10 Review Analysis Assignment (due by the end of the class): Each response must be a min. of 3-8 sentences in length:

1) Read the passage from p. 11 beginning with, “She was lost to me then…” and discuss how Saul’s mother becomes lost because of her children being taken away. What does this look like? Explain how this experience impacts Saul.

2) At the end of Ch 10, Saul is left completely alone. Who has he lost? Why has this happened? How do you think all of these losses will impact him? Do you think there could be a link between these losses so early in his life and the fact that the novel opens with Saul in a rehab facility? Explain.

3) Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far (up to and including Ch 10) and copy out the quote. Why does this passage in particular resonate with you? How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to this point? Of the 21 themes and topics for the First Peoples’ course, which do you feel connect with the passage you have chosen? Explain the connections you see.

Remaining time to work on Journal #1 for Ch 6-8. Students will be given 20-25 mins of class time on Fri to finish Journal #1 then they are due; if students need more time than this to complete this assignment Fri, they should do it for homework or come to flex time before Friday’s class.