English 8:

  • finish reading The Outsiders
  • review criteria for final writing assessment for this unit: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2023/10/English-8-Outsiders-Final-Assignment-2.docx
  • this assessment package is due at the start of class on Oct 24/23
  • remaining class time to work on brainstorms
  • students will be given the entire period next day (Thurs) to work on their writing packages; students are welcome to bring laptops or tablets if they wish to use them

English 11FP: 

  • collect short story textbooks and update book cards
  • Creative writing prompt (for portfolio) #3 (10 mins):Describe a moment when you felt betrayed by someone close to you.
  • overview film “We Were Children”
  • begin watching film

English 12:

  • read “The Rocking-horse Winner”  (p. 220); complete analysis sheet
  • analysis assignment (for portfolio): character analysis assignment in paragraph format:At which point during your reading of the story were you most dissatisfied with the mother’s actions? When did she act most irresponsibly? What was the resulting consequence of her actions?