English 8:

  • vocabulary booklets collected at the start of class
  • Read Ch 9 and 10 in The Outsiders

English 11FP: 

  • read “Lost in Space” (p. 46-55)
  • while you’re reading, take notes to compare and contrast this story with “Take Us to Your Chief”
  • notes will be used to support an in class piece of writing you’ll be doing on Friday
  • FOCUS for notes: look for similarities and differences in things like theme, conflict. characters/characterization, tone, setting, symbolism, humour etc.

English 12:

  • watch the film version of “The Painted Door” while taking notes for in class write Friday. If you missed today’s class, please watch the film using the following link to prepare your notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywJHBjMwJPs
  • review analysis sheet for “Totem” together as a class
  • grammar worksheet #1; if you missed today’s class, I only have this as a hard copy so please get it from me next day