I am still recovering from this awful cold and flu bug I’ve had since late last week; I hope to be back at school with you all tomorrow. Thank you to Ms Marsh for coming in as a TTOC for me today.

English 12: 

*** I have delayed the in class writing assignment comparing the text to film for The Painted Door; we’ll do this Thurs when I’m back 🙂

  • read the short story “Totem” by Thomas King on p. 119 in your short story textbook.
  • complete the analysis sheet for this story, using their terminology handbook for support.

English 8:

  • Vocab booklets #1 collected at the start of class for those who took them home with them. If you missed last class, please get this booklet from. me on Thurs as I only have them as a hardcopy and there’s a TTOC in for me today.
  • Read Ch 9 and 10 in The Outsiders (if you do not finish the reading during class time, please read for homework and arrive to class Thurs ready to pick up with Ch 11).

English 11FP:

  • Analysis assignment for “Take Us to Your Chief” (p. 136-146) that we read last day:1) VOCAB: Find THREE words in the story that are either new to you, challenging to you or unique to you. Write the word out and its definition.

    2) DEVICE: Find and identify TWO literary devices the author uses in the story. Correctly quote and cite the line from the story.

    3) ANALYSIS: (paragraph response) The author uses satirical humour throughout the story. Explain how his use of humour impacts your appreciation for, and understanding of, the story as a whole.