REMINDER to ALL classes: the Term 3 cut off is tomorrow, June 14, at 3:03pm. All outstanding work, including portfolios, must be complete and submitted by this time or it will not be considered in the grading of your final report card.

English 12: 

Final in-class essay assessment for OMAM. Students have all class to write.

Novels will be collected in class on Monday, June 17th.

REMINDER: Portfolios are due by tomorrow afternoon. For those who have been asking, here’s the creative prompts:

English 12 – Creative Writing Prompts (for portfolio)

The following five creative prompts are for your Term 3 writing portfolio. Work is meant to be completed on them in class; remember, they are working documents designed to demonstrate your process and progress so there is no need to produce a “good copy.” You can use prose, poetry or a combination of both to respond to the prompts.

Please ensure EACH prompt gets added individually to your Table of Contents.

Keep all drafting in your portfolio so it doesn’t go missing!

  • List twenty people you would be highly uncomfortable sitting next to on a plane. Offer 1-2 sentences as to why they would make you uncomfortable. These can be historical figures, characters from literature or film or people from your real life.
  • A) What is the best thing that happened to you today? B) This week? C)This year?
  • Does the future excite or frighten you? Why?
  • Were you ever someone’s second choice? When did you become aware of this?
  • Describe the last time you cried and why.

English 8: 

Final in-class essay assessment for Word Nerd. Students have all class to write.

Novels will be collected in class on Monday, June 17th.

English 11FP: 

End of term self-assessments.

Essay topics and outlines for final, in-class essay for Moon of the Crusted Snow which will be written in class on Mon, June 17th.

Remaining class time to work on outlines.

REMINDER: portfolios are due by tomorrow afternoon:

  1. A dish your mom makes that you wish she wouldn’t.
  2. The first time you recall adults not being totally truthful.
  3. An object belonging to one of your parents that you think will be most meaningful at the end of your days.
  4. What relative are you most similar to and why?