English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz at the start of class Fri):

  1. mesmerize
  2. glamorous
  3. escalator
  4. intermittent
  5. deficiency
  6. biographical
  7. asterisk
  8. freight
  9. asthma
  10. gymnasium

Creative writing prompts x 2 (collected in class):

#4: Describe a place where you felt unsafe as a child, and why.

#5: Describe yourself as a flavour of ice cream, making up any flavour or flavour combinations that you like.

Remaining class time to read p. 109-139 for Word Nerd; Journal #4 due at the start of class Weds. If students did not complete the reading and/or journal #4 in class today, this must be done for homework.

English 11FP:

Venn diagrams from last day collected at the start of class.

Review 5 paragraph essay structure and hand back essays from “Reservation Dogs.”

Hand out novels and update book cards.

Review journal analysis prompts that will be used in our study of the novel:

Moon of the Crusted Snow

Journal Reflection Prompts

For each journal reflection, respond to ALL of the following prompts. All prompts should be answered using FULL sentences except for #4 which needs to be a narrative PARAGRAPH (8-12 sentences in length).

1.How has the plot advanced in this section? Detail changes in the story line, advancements of the plot etc.

2. Were there any new characters introduced? Describe them in detail.
3. Was there any vocabulary that was new to you in this section? If so, copy out the word(s) and its/their definition(s). If there weren’t any new words, find at least TWO unique/unusual words and copy out their definitions.

4.What personal connections can you make to the text from experiences in your own life? Write a narrative paragraph (8-12 sentences).

5.Considering the 21 themes and topics for the First Peoples’ course, choose at least TWO themes/topics you feel are demonstrated in this section and offer explanations for why you chose them.

6.What do you think will happen in the next section? (make a hypothesis)

7.Was your prediction correct from your last entry? Why or why not?

Remaining class time to read p. 1-45 in Moon of the Crusted Snow; if students did not finish reading in class, it must be done for homework. **if you missed today’s class, please come see me in flex tomorrow to get the novel so you can catch up with the reading before the next class on Weds. 

English 12:

Overview American literature of the 1930’s. This includes an important discussion on language in period pieces of writing. If you missed today’s class, ensure you touch base with me to go over these key points.

Hand out novels and update book cards.

Read p.  1-16 in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

IMPORTANT: If you missed today’s class, you need to come see me in Flex on Tuesday morning to get a copy of the book to ensure you are caught up with the readings PRIOR to class on Wednesday. ********