Welcome back, everyone! I hope you, and your families, enjoyed a lovely Spring Break.

English 8: 

Lit Circle #5.

S/R – time to prep for LC #6 which is on Mon, Apr 8th.

Concrete poetry assignment:

Create a concrete (shaped) poem on the theme of spring. Use a sheet of white paper (that I will give you). You should use as much of the paper as possible; creativity and colour are encouraged for this assignment.

DUE: Thurs, Apr 4/24

English 11FP: 

  • mark Family Fitness grammar sheet from before the break
  • read “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie; discuss for understanding.
  • we will begin working on brainstorming and rough drafting in class on Thurs.

This work stays in your portfolio and is NOT homework. Marks for this essay rely on the work you complete in class for this project. Emphasis is on brainstorming, drafting/editing and trying to demonstrate growth in your composition skills. The final, printed good copy weighs very little in comparison to the important development/progress components.

We will be working on this essay for a number of classes so please ensure work is always left in your portfolio so it doesn’t go missing.

English 12: 

Work block to finish name poem (from before the break and we ran out of time to finish it) for portfolio and to read/prep lesson materials for Lit Circle #4 which is on Thur (Apr 4). 

Name poem criteria:

Do you like your name? Do you ever wonder about the meaning of your name? Are there interesting stories behind your name? Have you ever asked your parents how they chose your name? How important was it to them and is it to you? Do you believe your name brings you a certain fate?

Write a 10-12 line free verse poem addressing the questions above. Your poem must have one simile, one metaphor, at least one use of alliteration and one use of personification. Underline these devices in your poem. Give your poem a creative title.