English 8:

New seating plan for Term 2!

Also, in order to work to minimize the distraction of phones during class time, my classes will have a new expectation for Terms 2 and 3 that if a student asks to leave my room for any reason (washroom, locker, getting water etc), you will be asked to leave your phone on my desk until you return.  Phones can be retrieved after your return and then placed back into your bag or backpack (unless we’re doing an assessment and I’ve asked you to have it face down on your desk).

Journal #6 check.

Read p. 143-195 in HKL.

Journal #7 (p. 143-195) due Thurs.

English 11FP: 

New for Term 2! In order to work to minimize the distraction of phones during class time, my classes will have a new expectation for Terms 2 and 3 that if a student asks to leave my room for any reason (washroom, locker, getting water etc), you will be asked to leave your phone on my desk until you return.  Phones can be retrieved after your return and then placed back into your bag or backpack (unless we’re doing an assessment and I’ve asked you to have it face down on your desk).

Poetry assignments collected at the start of class.

Ch 28-31 reading quiz at the start of class. If you missed today’s class, providing your absence has been officially excused by a parent/guardian, you can write an alternate Ch 28-31 reading quiz upon your return.

Ch 23-31 review questions: complete each question in a paragraph response.

1) What does being on the Manitouwadge Moose hockey team mean to Saul? How does he become connected to the other players? Why do they make him prove himself?

2) Discuss the experience of the team in the café in Chapleau. How are the boys treated? Why does this happen? What do you think it would be like to experience this kind of racism?

HOMEWORK: read Ch 32-35 before the next class on Thursday.

English 12: 

New for Term 2! In order to work to minimize the distraction of phones during class time, my classes will have a new expectation for Terms 2 and 3 that if a student asks to leave my room for any reason (washroom, locker, getting water etc), you will be asked to leave your phone on my desk until you return.  Phones can be retrieved after your return and then placed back into your bag or backpack (unless we’re doing an assessment and I’ve asked you to have it face down on your desk).

Act 4 Othello reading quiz at the start of class (15 mins timed). If you missed today’s class, providing your absence has been officially excused by a parent/guardian, you can write an alternate Act 4 reading quiz upon your return.

Note taking: common composition errors.

Grammar sheet #2 (assignment mark – 10 mins timed). If you missed today’s class, I only have this as a hard copy so remind me on Thurs so you can. make this up then.