English 8: 9:10-10:05am

Spelling quiz at the start of class.

Students have this entire block to work on their Journal #1 (p. 1-25) for HKL. If they do not finish in class time, they must complete it for homework and have it ready to show me at the start of class Tuesday.

English 11FP: 10:20-11:15am

Read “Two Sisters” by Pauline Johnson; if you missed today’s class, please source a copy of this story/legend on line to read.

Analysis questions (to be completed in full sentences):

1) Find two examples of similes from the text and write them out.

2) Why are women so revered in the Tyee culture?

3) Who were the  Tyee at war with?

4) What did the daughters ask for for their birthday?

5) Why did Sagalie Tyee decide to make the chief’s daughters immortal?

REMINDER: Side by Side Portrait assignment due Tues, Nov 7th.

English 12: 12-12:55pm

Read Act I, Sc i & ii in Othello.

Paragraph response assignment (due Tues, Nov 7): What are your views on elopement? Why do people choose to elope? What seems to be Desdemona’s reasons for doing so? How would modern day views of this topic differ from Elizabethan views?