Thank you to Mr Clarke for coming in as a TTOC to cover my classes today. I’m very under the weather currently but hoping I’ll be feeling better soon and see all my groups back on Tuesday.  I hope everyone enjoys a lovely long weekend with your friends and families.

English 8:

  • Ch 5-7 reading quiz
  • silent reading
  • Read Ch 8 in The Outsiders
  • Vocabulary booklet #1 (if students didn’t finish this in class, it is to be done as homework and brought to class Weds)

English 11FP:

  • Analysis assignment for “Take Us to Your Chief” (p. 136):
  • 1) VOCAB: Find THREE words in the story that are either new to you, challenging to you or unique to you. Write the word out and its definition.
  • 2) DEVICE: Find and identify TWO literary devices the author uses in the story. Correctly quote and cite the line from the story.
  • 3) ANALYSIS: The spaceship and its inhabitants in the story are symbolic. In a paragraph, explain the symbolism with regard to Indigenous nations in Canada.

English 12:

  • Read “Totem” (p. 386) and complete analysis sheet, in full, on your own, using your terminology handbook.
  • We’ll do the film study lesson next Weds when I am back (it’s too complicated to leave all that for a TTOC) 😉