Orange Shirt Day – thank you to those students who wore orange today in support of the survivors of Canada’s residential school system and for truth and reconciliation in our country.

English 8:

  • Ch 2 questions collected at the start of class for those people who took them home for homework
  • spelling quiz at the beginning of class
  • silent reading
  • read Ch 3 in The Outsiders
  • GoCard distribution at the end of the period

English 11FP:

  • Stories of Who I Am – presentation of your four artifacts in small groups and of one item in our first class sharing circle

English 12:

  • pre-reading group discussion activity
  • begin reading “The Painted Door” by Sinclair Ross (p. 366 – to half way through p. 379) – you do NOT have to finish the whole story but please ensure you’ve read up to this point. We will pick the story up together as a class on Weds.