English 12: 

  • Grade 12 graduation presentation with Ms Fenn
  • Orange Shirt Day is on Fri, Sept 29th – please wear orange to show your support for survivors of Canada’s residential school system and for the process of truth and reconciliation in our country.

English 8:

  • revisiting classroom expectations: a reminder to students not to spray perfumes or deodorants in my classroom; I think it’s fine and lovely if you wear both but the place to apply products such as this is in the washroom, not in a classroom
  • silent reading
  • video “On Orange Shirt Day” by Phyllis Webstad (7 mins, 7 secs): please remember to wear orange on Friday to recognize the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada
  • reading in The Outsiders p. 19 – 33.

English 11FP:

  • video “On Orange Shirt Day” by Phyllis Webstad (7 mins, 7 secs): please remember to wear orange on Friday to recognize the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada
  • reminder if you have not submitted your two photos for the fall equinox project, they are now overdue. Email me ASAP: shelley.dube@burnabyschools.ca
  • review portfolio process for coursework
  • creative writing prompt #1 (to be kept in your portfolio) – this piece of writing can take many shapes but the importance is focusing on your storytelling AND your sentence structure. This prompt can be addressed in multi-paragraph format or poetry; it could even be written as an interview or as a script, if you’re into that:How are girls treated differently from boys in your family? Write about how it feels from your identity perspective to watch how the other gender is treated.If you perceive no difference, why do you think that’s how your family is?

***** if you missed today’s class, you must complete this piece at home and bring it with you to the next class so we can add it to your portfolio so you don’t fall behind *****

REMINDER: ensure you are sourcing your FOUR artifacts for your Stories of Who I Am assignment presentations which will take place in class on Tuesday, Oct 3.