School photo day ****

English 8:

  • overview life in the 1950’s as set up for our novel study
  • group brainstorm: gang culture
  • read p. 1-6  in The Outsiders

English 11FP: 

  • hand out short story texts and update book card
  • hand out and review short story terminology booklet; QUIZ on Literary Terms section ONLY at the start of class on Mon, Sept 18th****

English 12:

  • hand out short story texts and update book cards; some students in this class have a grey text and some have a blue one. Both books contain the stories we will be studying; however, page numbers will differ. Please note on my homework site when I list page numbers for your class, I will give grey page # and blue page #.
  • hand out and review short story terminology booklet; QUIZ on Literary Terms (PART D of the handout ONLY) at the start of class on Mon, Sept 18th****