E-Port Reifel Bird Sanctuary Visit

I hope you enjoyed our trip to the Reifel Bird Sanctuary! If you were there, please do an e-port on our visit.

Title:  Reifel Bird Sanctuary Visit


Please post a picture of your favourite bird from the visit. You can find pictures online. Perhaps use the Cornell Bird Website I suggested in another post, if you need it!

Please name as many birds as you can remember from the trip.

What was your favourite part of the trip and why?

What is taxonomy? The biologist Dani explained this in the museum. You can look it up if you need to.

What are zygodactyl feet (hint, from an owl)?

Which kind of owl did we see while we were there? Why are they hard to find?

What are coots like? What makes them unique?

What is a secondary cavity nester (hint:woodpecker and chickadee, and Dani showed us in the museum)?

Tell me three other things you learned while you were at the Sanctuary about birds and their habitat.