Google Accounts and Responsible Technology Use

Dear Parents:

Thank you to Hong, Ashley, and Kathy who came with us to Science World! I look forward to the next trip together! Thank you also to Ms. Geddes and her class who came with us!

Each student has received school credentials to access a Burnaby School District Google Drive account. We will learn how to use this tool to produce and share work in our class. 

Please discuss these points about technology at home to help students use tools responsibly:

  • All technology activity for school is monitored and responsible use is important. Please remember you have signed a District Digital Media agreement detailing responsible use. 
  • All work for class is done on Burnaby Google accounts please, not personal Google accounts.
  • Technology is for school use, not personal use. Please stay focused on the task your teacher has given you and avoid using devices for other purposes. 
  • School Google accounts do not have chat or email. We do not use Google accounts for chatting back and forth, except when sharing a document and editing it together for class work.
  • Please use positive language and respect when communicating with technology.
  • Talk as a family about technology safety at home. I recommend having technology devices in open areas of the home where everyone can see what you are working on. 
  • If you have questions or concerns about what you are viewing online, stop and talk to an adult. Only use websites and tools you can understand and that are appropriate for you.
  • Monitor how long you are on a device and put it away at least a half hour before bed to avoid problems with sleep.
  • When using earbuds, please monitor volume. If you can’t hear people around you, or if we can hear what you are listening to, then the volume should be turned down.
  • Should you receive any inappropriate messages or have concerns about technology, please tell Ms. D immediately and she will help you.

Thank you in advance for discussing these things with your child. They will be talked about repeatedly during the year, and with reinforcement at home, Google Drive can be a positive way for us to share ideas and produce creative work together.


Ms. D