Great First Week! MACC Update Friday September 8

Hello Everyone! Thank you for a great first week! Enjoy some pics of our first-day photo booth throughout this entry!  Scroll down to the end for Monday reminders.

Showing Our Creativity: Ms. D has been giving everyone opportunities to show their creativity and thinking as I get to know you. We made creations out of playdoh, completed thinking and math puzzles, did the toothpick challenge, and came up with creative names for jobs in our classroom! We do these things for FUN and to practice our creative and critical thinking skills throughout the year.

Roller Coasters!: Everyone finished roller coasters on Thursday, and then we walked around to test the creations and evaluate them for points. Great work! This activity was an example of the many science things we will do this year, as well as an opportunity to collaborate, getting to know peers who will be our colleagues on many projects this year!


Music: Thank you to everyone who participated by either singing or playing instruments during the special assembly on Thursday! I was impressed that some students new to our school and to MACC were willing to go in for extra practices during lunch to be part of Ms. Hetrick’s instrument group. Way to go! That was a great example of being a risk-taker.

Learner Profile: Ms. D has a poster with words that represent the characteristics of a successful learner. To be a lifelong learner, you should work on being knowledgeable, a good communicator, open-minded, principled, caring, an inquirer, a thinker, reflective, balanced, and a risk-taker.


We had groups do short skits to show our understanding of those words, which are tied to the B.C. Core Competencies in the curriculum. The competencies are a fancy way of saying lifelong skills that help you become the BEST person you can be in all things you do!

Comfort Circle: We talked about how everyone needs to have a GROWTH MINDSET by doing a comfort circle activity. The comfort zone is the place where you are on a couch, reading a book, drinking a soda, playing video games, or doing comfortable activities. The growth zone is the place where you are a little uncomfortable, but you can do it! The panic zone is the place where you are very uncomfortable and the adrenaline is pushing through your body!

Sometimes it is okay to be in our comfort zone, and we need to know the things that can calm us down during stressful times. When we are learning, though, we need to push ourselves into the growth zone, because we learn more if we have a bit of discomfort from doing something new. But, we also don’t want to go too far. If we are in the panic zone and feeling fear, our brains shut off and emotions take over.

In MACC, you may feel a bit of discomfort! Before, you may have felt like most class work was easy or that you needed a challenge. That is why you chose to be in MACC! However, you have to be willing to be a little uncomfortable. You may not see the answer to something on the first try, but that’s okay, just keep experimenting, take risks, try things out, and be willing to work with your peers to figure it out! You will get there, just maybe not right away. Don’t give up! Be willing to accept that you don’t know everything, but that you can learn something new if you try! Each of us has different strengths, so understand each activity will feel different according to your abilities. We have to learn to appreciate one another’s strengths and have resilience! If you feel something is difficult, instead of saying “I can’t” or “I don’t get it” — try saying, “I will get it if I try, if I practice, if I watch and learn from my peers!”

Math Assessments: Everyone began math assessments Thursday, and we are still working through them. Next week you will see a blog entry with more details about our first unit together, as well as information about how we will approach math this year.

Art: We did some ZENTANGLE doodling together to make bookmarks for class! You can look this up on Google and find many designs or YouTube videos on how to do more complicated zentangles. We discussed how drawing repetitive designs like these can be a great way to get the mind to relax so you stress less. Sometimes the best creative ideas appear when we allow the brain to daydream and relax. Also, we can use repetitive doodling when we need to be listening, but we need something for our hands to do!

Fidgets: We discussed how Ms. D has a collection of fidgets in the classroom for use during listening times. However, we all agreed last year, that a fidget is a TOOL not a TOY. There are some rules we created as a class last year, such as:

  • Fidgets cannot disrupt discussion by making repetitive noises.
  • No throwing around of fidgets; they need to stay in your own personal space
  • Once you choose a fidget, please don’t get up to switch it with another one
  • If we are doing an activity requiring you to listen in a group of 2-3, no fidgets
  • If we are doing a hands-on activity where you need your hands, no fidgets
  • If you have a fidget at the table, do it under the table to not distract anyone
  • You have the right to say someone’s fidget is bothering you so they can stop
  • You can bring in your own fidget, but put a name on it and show it to Ms. D
  • Do not leave your own fidgets around class anywhere, or Ms. D may say not to bring it again and keep it in her drawer for you until end of day

Free Choice!  Every Friday, unless we have a big project we are working on, we will have Free Choice Time! We had our first one and everyone enjoyed the many games available in the classroom. During this time you can: draw, do some art, fold origami, build something, play games with friends, create games, continue working on a project you are interested in, and more. Ms. D is open to ideas about how you want to use this time. Thanks to those of you who played Sushi-Goh with Ms. D today!

REMINDERS: For Monday, here are some reminders:

  • Letters to Ms. D and Supplies due Monday 
  • Parent Questionnaires and Social Media Consent Forms overdue. Please return ASAP. Forms are on the Notices and Forms Page.
  • Bring jackets and appropriate outside footwear every day. Even if it is raining, you will likely go outside for recess and lunch.
  • Please minimize trash in lunches. Pack out what you pack in, so we can keep our classroom clean. Avoid peanuts/tree nuts as some students have allergies.
  • Heads Up: First field trip on September 28th, Thursday. Notice coming soon!


Ms. D