Welcome Everyone! Great First Day!

Hello Everyone!

Well, here we go with another year of grade 4/5 MACC! Please do check the blog for updates. Some quick notes from today:

Parent Notices: Your child went home with a letter from our new principal, a classroom packet from Ms. D, a parent questionnaire, and a social media permission slip to sign. Thank you in advance for filling out the handouts!

Student Letter: Ms. D sent each student a personal letter. Each student should read it (parents are welcome to read it, too) and then respond by writing a letter back to Ms. D. The letter is due Monday, September 11th. Email, Google Drive, hardcopy, handwritten, pencil, pen, marker —  all formats are okay as long as I get it AND I can read it.

Photo Booth! We did a funny photo booth today! Not all students had an opportunity to do it, so anyone who missed this can do it tomorrow, and then I will post funny pictures on the web of our new MACC class.

Chain of Strengths: Today each person wrote down two strengths they will bring to MACC and we included it in a paper chain of strengths for our class, which is now hanging on the board! If you didn’t finish your slips of paper for the chain, please do it tomorrow.

KAHOOT! To learn more about everyone, I asked each person to write down 2 truths and a lie about themselves, so we can guess which one is the lie on the interactive APP Kahoot! If you haven’t finished yours, please bring it with you tomorrow or do one in class before end of day Wednesday.

Assembly! We met Ms. Driussi! Check out the bulletin board across from the office. Students from her last school wrote some things they thought you should know about our new principal. Very cool!

SUPPLIES: Please be looking for supplies and bring them in by Monday.