Reminder: Independent Project Presentation Tomorrow 12-2 PM

Hello Everyone!

Reminder that the Independent Project Presentation is tomorrow, June 23rd, Friday, from 12-2 PM in our classroom.

Please note that the emphasis for the projects is the research process, not necessarily the final product, so it will help to ask students about how they found their information.

Students need to have a printed bibliography. If you haven’t printed one, please do it in the morning.

If anyone has a handout still, then I can try to do last-minute copying at recess.

Lunch will be at 11:20 so we will be ready to go at Noon.

On Monday, we will be doing a sharing of projects with the 6/7 MACC class, as they are away tomorrow, and many students from our class missed seeing the science fair today as they finished up last-minute details on their projects. We will do this on Monday afternoon. Please leave all projects at school on Friday.

Blue and red binders have been sent home. If anyone is going to be absent next week, please send an email to Ms. D. Thank you!

Have a great evening and all the best for tomorrow! 🙂