Great Work Going On! Thursday, March 2nd

Hello Everyone,

Great work today on all of our projects! Here is a quick update of where we are at for today:

Playground Project: They are starting to really come together! More work time tomorrow. We are doing all the work on this project IN CLASS please, not at home. Remember, when you are done with your equipment, you will need to do a write up on each one to explain why we should have that equipment on the playground. Use persuasive language! Provide detail about how it works and why you chose it. When all partners are done, you will be covering the base with either sand or paint. Deadline to complete is Wednesday, March 8th.

Mysteries and Debates: A few of you still need to get mysteries in, so please do so as soon as possible. All debates are finished and some rubrics have been marked. As soon as you receive yours, please get it signed.

Math: Part of the class is doing a re-take. We did not do it today given how well everyone was working on their projects, but it will be ready to go for tomorrow. If you received your quiz back today, because you do not need a re-take, please get it signed and return.

Socials: Please see the previous blog entry about primary research and complete an interview. Your questions and the answers from the interview need to be typed on Google Drive and turned in by Wednesday, March 8th.

French: We are doing all of the culture research at school, and students are recording what they find out on a Google Doc. Packets 3 and 4 were handed back today. Please study the vocabulary presented, how to make singular/plural words, how to conjugate PORTER, and about male/female adjectives.  

E-Portfolio and Independent Project: Please write a paragraph on e-portfolio by end of day tomorrow about the topic you want to do and why you want to do it. Time has been given in class to do this, and more time is available tomorrow. Due EOD March 3rd.

Art: Great job painting! More time to get these finished up tomorrow in class. Hopefully they are all done so we can stack the cards up by March 10th, Friday.

Thanks and have a great night!