Agenda February 23rd!

Hello Everyone,

Some updates and changes to deadlines because of people needing more time:

Debates: Good job to our first debaters today! We will continue debating tomorrow and possibly Monday so all teams have a chance to present.

Math: Applied Quiz will be moved to Monday. Independent Math have two unit tests done by March 3rd. Thank you!

Mysteries: More time to work on mysteries tomorrow. If you need more time to finish your story, I can be flexible, but you need to be a good communicator and talk with me tomorrow. If you are ready to submit, please turn it in here. 

Playground Project: This will be the major thing we work on next week, all week, so once you are done with your mystery stories, you are ready to ROLL!!

French: We went over packet 3 and 4 today (singular and plural nouns, ER verbs and conjugation of PORTER, Emotions, and adjectives.) We will continue to practice and have a quick check-in quiz our last week before break. To learn more about cultures in the world that speak French, each student is also researching a nation that speaks French other than France or Canada. They will find out the percentage of people who speak French and investigate one celebration or festival in that country. I challenge French Immersion students to write about their research in French instead of English. More criteria to come, but right now we are just researching. Due by March 7th.

Socials and Primary Research: To finish with our discussion on discrimination, and to learn more about primary research vs secondary, students will be conducting an interview of someone. They will ask about their experience coming to Canada and/or their experience with discrimination. We will create questions together, and I will do an example of an interview in class. This will be very helpful for when we do our independent project, as primary research is required. Due by March 7th.

Independent Project: We do five major units per year, and then we do an independent project. Students have already brainstormed topics on their e-portfolios (and these portfolios will be where they document their research and progress.) Final topic is due on March 3rd so Ms. D can begin to help look for resources.

Secret Project for Celebration of Learning: Good job today! We will practice again tomorrow during gym.

Have a good evening!

Ms. D