Review for Unit Quiz on Thursday, October 20th

Hello! On here, post your questions we brainstormed in class about things we learned during the “Action for Human Rights” Unit. Then, classmates will respond with answers! Review the comments (and your unit binder) in preparation for the quiz.

The quiz will be online in Google Forms, using your iPad to respond. It will involve short answers and multiple choice. It will involve all subject areas discussed during the unit. I don’t do the marking based strictly on points or percentages. I use a rubric. Marking will be done as follows:

A   Almost all answers correct; 1-3 questions do not have clear answers. Provided excellent detail to show thinking and participation during the unit. You can clearly see how the person was paying attention during our discussions.

B   Most answers correct; 3-6 questions need answers that are more clear. Provided a good level of detail to show thinking. While there are some errors, the student participated well during the unit and knows their stuff!

C+ Most of the key ideas are in the student’s answers; however, there are more than six questions where more detail was needed to show thinking and a correct answer. The student participated well in the unit, and for next time needs to add more detail to show they were listening.

C/C-  There are significant errors in the student’s answers. More detail is needed to show thinking. Some one-word or blank responses. Needs to work on listening well during discussions.