Last Blog Post — Happy Summer!!!

Dear Students and Parents:

Thank you for a great year – our first year of MACC at Suncrest Elementary!

Thank you for all of your support parents, including visits to the classroom, volunteering for field trips, and helping with projects at home. Without all of you, our MACC community of students would not have had the awesome year we did! So, thank you!

Thank you students for all of the great conversations, the splashing fun during dragon boating (yay Sea Tacos and Taco Cats!), and the excitement of taking DNA out of a strawberry at the Genome Science Centre. Thank you for your creativity during MACC Mall constructing products, while patiently creating Rube Goldberg devices, and when acting in our short readers’ theatre skits. Thank you for your enthusiasm during free choice activities, while working on our independent projects, and when participating in experiments and games.

It was amazing to watch you grow and learn this year. I hope you all take time to reflect on the year, to think about your goals for next year, and to recognize your strengths as a learner. I also hope you relax and spend time with family during the summer. Make sure you take time to recharge and refresh before another great year of MACC!

To those in grade four this year, I look forward to seeing you in my class next year! And to those in grade five, I know you are going to have a great time with Mr. Gaitens in grade six. As we are just next door, and as many of you will participate in Gaming Club next year or drama, and because we share computers almost every day, I am sure we will see one another frequently. I look forward to hearing about your learning next year.

Tomorrow, please join me for one last hour from 9-10 AM. We will hand out report cards, have some breakfast items together (everyone has signed up to bring a small thing to share), and say our goodbyes. A few of you still have certificates and canvases from our last project to pick up. Also, anyone who did not get to show me their poetry journal, I would like to see it before you go! See you tomorrow!

BTW, congratulations on all the great work you did for our independent project! It was amazing to read your notes, bibliographies, and primary research. And it was even more amazing to hear you talk confidently with our visitors about your area of passion. I have received some great feedback, and everyone did a fabulous job presenting!

All the best for a great summer!

From your teacher, Ms. D