Important, Important Reminders for Last Week! PLEASE READ!

Dear Parents and Students:

Reminders for the last week of school:

***Please be on time for Monday morning, as we will need to set up for projects ahead of the awards assembly.

***Homework: Finish any last details on your independent project. Print bibliography and Q&A if you need to so it is ready to go on Monday. Look for magazine pictures AND the words to your tanka poem on nature, so we can put those words on the canvas next week and finish our artwork before you leave.

***No water park today due to weather, but we will try again Monday or Tuesday depending on time, so please have supplies ready (towel, mat, etc.) depending on weather. A reminder that there are not to be any water guns used on the playground at any time — only during designated times and in designated locations as part of a special event.

Recognition Assembly – Monday June 27th at 9:15 AM: Please do join us if you can. Many students are receiving special awards during this assembly and you are welcome to come!

Independent Project Viewing – Monday June 27th at 10:45 AM: Please join us for a casual viewing of independent projects. This is mainly an opportunity to have a discussion with students about their projects. Everyone has done a lot of work, and all projects are using different media and ways of sharing the information with you. If you are not able to come, please join your child in sharing with them one-on-one from 3-4 PM after school as Ms. DeTerra will stay so you can do this. PLEASE RSVP if you can so I know whether or not to stay.

Grade Seven Leaving Assembly – Tuesday June 28th at 9:15 AM: This is a special assembly to say goodbye to our grade 7 students. This assembly will include the presentation of our grade sevens, our valedictorian speeches, our grade seven awards, and a special send-off by our Kindergarten students. You are welcome to join us! The intermediate choir (which includes Div. 5) will be performing a song for the sevens, as well.

Final Day of School Wednesday June 29th 10 AM Dissmissal: On the final day, we will say goodbye and students will receive their report cards. Students are dismissed promptly at 10AM and will need to take all personal supplies and belongings with them at that time.

Thank you again for your support!


Ms. DeTerra