Monday Update

Hello Everyone,

Today, we continued our unit work by talking about the push and pull factors that cause human migrants to travel in the world. We also identified the difference between the words emigrant (exiting a country) and immigrants (going into a country) and talked about how migration can be both within a country internal and outside of the country external. Looking at data of human migration, we charted some of the major migration routes into North America, mainly through the United States, although Canada is also a major destination for migrants in the world. Students need to finish the map and two quick questions if they did not get it done this morning.

In my previous post, I discussed our Spelling Quiz for Thursday.

Today we also began exploring fiction reading, using a comprehension tool called Reading Power. Through this tool, we will listen more carefully to the voice in our head while we are reading, recording the connections, questions, visualizations, inferences, and metacognitive thinking moments we have while listening to a story. Students have a packet they will work on primarily in class, and Ms. D will be reading aloud the novel Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library. Later we will be doing a mini project to show our understanding of the book.

During PE, we had a quick work out with music, and then students worked with their groups on the dance they are choreographing themselves for presentation to the group. Students have been asked to ensure they all know the music they have decided to work with (look it up online or shared within the group), think of the story they will tell through the dance, and to incorporate movements from other areas of PE (not just dance — use basketball, volleyball, gymnastics moves, etc.) We will continue working on this. Many people have been absent for illness, so we will not be presenting these until next week.

Finally, we are putting the finishing touches on our zentangle trees for art by doing a watercolour wash in shades of warm or cool colours. We first experimented with colour on a spare sheet of paper, and then began to apply them in the space around the tree. By leaving the center blank, we are practicing emphasis of the shape of the tree. I look forward to the final result!

Please save the date for February 26th for a field trip to the Reifel Bird Sanctuary. Notice to come. For those in Science Games, please be aware of March 5th as our date for the competition — starting at 11:45 AM.

Thank you and have a good night!