Happy Friday January 22nd!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Just a short update for today, as we had Young People’s Concert all morning and then music in the afternoon:

Leadership Camp/Conference for February 19th at Burnaby South — A notice was sent home today, with an application on the back, for a leadership camp for grades 4-7 on the District Professional Development Day Feb. 19th. Limited space available. $20 fee. Applications due Feb. 5th.

Biomes — If anyone did not finish the biomes map due today, please finish. Some students were over-thorough with responses, which made the assignment take too long. Instead of a definition, characteristics and some animals, some students were copying everything they read about the biome online. Make sure you are practicing good time management and listen to criteria so you aren’t spending too much time on one assignment. 

Art — On Monday, we will do the watercolour portion of our tree art, so fine lining is due Monday (please finish at home as we have had lots of time during the week to do this in class.)

End of Year Focus Topic — We talked today about our focus topic for unit #6, where you will have time to do independent research on a topic of your choice. We have brainstormed topics, and with one topic students are supposed to come up with eight questions based on our wonderings board in class.

Have a great weekend! What a lovely way to end the day — free choice time and sunshine outside!