Reminders for the Weekend!

Thank you to everyone who came to speak with me over the last two evenings, students and parents both! A reminder that there is no school tomorrow. Photo Day is on Monday. Next week has a variety of events, so please read the yellow notice sent home with details. Our Halloween Student Committee from class sent home a notice to try and organize our party on Friday the 30th, so please return for Monday so they can get that set up! Students are welcome to come in costume, and there is a Costume Parade around the school on that day.

Homework: Tuning In Booklet due on Oct. 30th in the morning, the entire folder. Right Stuff article questions were due today in class, so if you did not have them, please bring on Monday. If you are still working on your project proposal, please think about it over the weekend, as we will begin working on these IN CLASS on Monday. Students should do the majority of their work at school on the project. Thank you!

Have a great weekend!