Blood Types Update, and Encouraging Discussions at Home

As an update to my previous blog entry on Blood Types, we had a great discussion in class about how there are actually more than four blood types. For example, we had discussed during our experiment the presence of Rh factor, which means each of the main four types of blood can be positive and negative depending on whether you have Rh or not. While these four types, A, AB, B, and O, are the main marker types in blood, there are many other combinations. There are some combinations of markers together, such as AB and O, etc. One student said he also read that a new “K” type has been found, as well. We talked about possible reasons why blood types could become more complicated. Many students had asked their parents about their blood type at home. It was an interesting discussion in hematology! If you are an expert in this area, please do share with your child.

Please do discuss topics from class at home, as you have been doing already! You can encourage your child to take ACTION on their learning outside of class by having these discussions and asking them to share what they learn from you in class the next day. They could either tell Ms. D directly or ask to share with the whole class. If anyone finds articles in the newspaper related to our learning, students should bring them in. We will post them on our unit learning board. This is not homework, but if they are interested in the topic, bringing these things in will help deepen our conversation at school. I told everyone on Friday that the best part of being a MACC teacher is the amazing level of student discussion!