Reminders for Wednesday!


  • No Parent Meeting tomorrow night — rescheduled to October 8th
  • Scholastic Orders due Friday
  • Terry Fox Donations being collected this week
  • Carnival is tomorrow 3:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Bring back forms for office, including yellow student verification form, ASAP.


  • Finish paragraph on school proposal in your writing journal. Due tomorrow. Many people already finished.
  • Finish Math T-Chart on Choices, due tomorrow.
  • Fill out student volunteer form if interested and get parents to sign.

Today we began by sharing the brain games we brought in as part of homework last night. We then continued our think, pair, share, finishing off the endocrine system and information about skin.

As part of math, and related to our unit of inquiry, we talked about choices, and students brainstormed a T-Chart of Choices We Control and Choices We Don’t Control. This was in preparation for some work on probability. During an open math time, students were given a series of probability situations and games to complete and respond to using charts and written explanations.

We also had an opportunity to talk about digital citizenship as related to our privilege of using the iPads and laptops soon to come. After a great discussion about their experience with technology rules and safety, I asked them each to contribute one rule they think should be in place to ensure we use our technology appropriately. Eventually, students will be given an agreement to sign regarding their behaviour with technology, which they will bring home so everyone understands what is expected and we can make the most of our tools!

Finally, Ms. DeTerra reviewed with students, as part of language arts, the proper format of a paragraph, including indentation, a topic sentence, supporting statements, and a concluding sentence. I provided them with an example, which we discussed, determining criteria for a quality paragraph. We also looked at what vocabulary could be used to be more persuasive. This will be an area of focus for us during this unit of inquiry, and the skill will assist the students with projects later on. Afterwards, in their writing journals, either with a partner or independently, they created persuasive paragraphs around what they would like to change about school. The sky was the limit in terms of changes, as I really wanted them to focus on paragraphing. Some students proposed we have a shorter school day, a school in the sky, school days full of making things, or a school based on the Hunger Games. Okay, well, maybe not real ideas, but they had a great time writing them, which hopefully made paragraphing a bit more fun.

Thank you for reading these updates. Hope you get to enjoy the Carnival at Suncrest!