- What is independent reading? – logging our progress for the semester (H)
- Library orientation and selecting books
- Review criteria for “I Am From” poems
- H.W. Write drafts (due Tuesday)
- Independent Reading – students to set weekly reading goal
- Drafts of “I Am From” poems due today
- Partner share of poems. Peer feedback – 1 star and one wish
- Review of assignment criteria (Final copy with design due Friday)
- Short Story: “Charles” by Shirley Jackson (R)
- H.W. complete the accompanying questions for Charles (H), “I Am From” poem due Friday
- Independent Reading
- Class discussion of questions from the short story “Charles”
- Memoir – Writing a Narrative Paragraph (H)
- Outline and write draft
- Peer Editing/Teacher Conferencing/Feeback
- “I Am From” poetry assignment due today
- Lesson on revision vs. editing – provided peer feeback on writing – see Revision vs. Editing in handouts under Grammar, Revision Editing
- Write good copy of the narrative paragraph
- Final copy to include: good copy, rough draft, self-assessment, orange feedback form