Please return your choir folder! Let us know if you’re returning!



Free Cello Music photo and picture

Dear Singers:

Let the countdown to summer begin!  What are we doing?  Looking at repertoire for the Christmas Concert!  lol  Anyway, thank you to those who have let us know they will be returning.  Auditions are being held next Monday, June 17 so please let us know before then either way and we will save a spot for you!


Please return your choir folder!  Even if you are returning in the fall, please return the folder and music!  You can either swing by South Slope and drop it by the office, or ask your music teacher to mail it to South Slope in the District mail.

Thank you!

See you for our first rehearsal on Monday, September 16 at 3:30 p.m.

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen, Mrs. Fierro

“Beethoven tells you what it’s like to be Beethoven.  Mozart tells you what it’s like to be human.  Bach tells you what it’s like to be in the universe.” – Douglas Adams


Happy Summer! Please let us know if you are returning next September!

Free Blue Flashback photo and pictureMay 22, 2024.

Dear Corovoce Singers:

We will be auditioning new members on June 17 and need to know how many spots to save for our returning members.  Please email me your intentions at:

If you are returning, or not returning, please email me either way.

It has truly been a wonderful experience conducting Corovoce this year.  Our Christmas Concert was fantastic, the bus tour outstanding, and our Spring Concert even more amazing.  Those students involved in the opening ceremonies of the National Orff Conference had an extra special added experience added to this year.  We hope we made many wonderful memories this year for you!

If you are not returning to Corovoce, best wishes and we hope you always remember your time in our choir.

Special thanks to our crew of Caeden and Kurtis who assist us in so many ways!  We appreciate you!

We wish you all safe travels and fun times this summer!  It’s time to recharge and get ready for another great session in the fall!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen

“Music doesn’t lie.  If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.” – Jimi Hendrix




Wow! What a Show! Spring Sing and Ring was Amazing!

Dear Singers:

It has been a wonderful year in Corovoce.  Your beautiful singing has touched many hearts.  We wish you all a great end of year, and an exciting summer.  You are all invited back in the fall with a brand new repertoire just waiting to be sung!  YOU DO NOT NEED TO AUDITION!  If you are entering High School you are still most welcome to be a part of Corovoce, if you can fit us into your schedule 😉  Our first rehearsal is Monday, September 16 @3:30 in the music room at South Slope!

If you have any friends who would like to audition, there will be a notice going to your music teachers next week.  They will need to audition with their music teacher and then for us on Monday, June 17 from 3:15 – 5:30.

Until then, here are some pictures of the concert!

Tickets are now on sale for our May 13th Concert, “Spring Sing and Ring”

Free Flower Tulip photo and picture

Dear Corovoce Singers:

We are heading into the home stretch of an amazing year of singing!  Here are some important bits of information for the end of the year. (see attachment below)

As well, tickets are now on sale for our concert, “Spring Sing and Ring”!  Again we ask that you purchase 2 tickets online as you did for our Christmas Concert.  We will release extra tickets next week.  Tickets are $10 each.  If you pay online, please bring your receipt to us.  If you are paying with cash, we will have them ready for you on Monday, May 6 for purchase.

If the link above doesn’t work, here’s the letter within it.

Corovoce final letter for 2024

May 6, 2024.

Dear Singers:

As we head into our final rehearsals and performances, we are reminded of all the wonderful music that was made this year.  Thank you to everyone for making such strong musical memories!  Here are a few details about the remaining time we have together.

Monday, May 6 – Our final rehearsal.  Leave your folder and your music with us today.  3:30 – 4:45 as usual.

Thursday, May 9 – Our school tour date.(Wear your Corovoce T Shirts!)

My apologies for having to change our drop off site.  We had huge issues with securing the buses.

Drop off at Confederation Park at 8:30 a.m. 

Performance at 9:15

Performance at Edmonds Elementary at 10:45

Performance at University Highlands at 1;10

Performance at South Slope at 2:15

Pick up at South Slope at 3:00 p.m.

I hope that clarifies the day. 😊

Monday, May 13- Spring Sing and Ring at 6:30 at Michael J Fox Theatre (Don’t forget your t shirts)

3:30 – arrive at theatre for rehearsal

4:30 – parents/guardians pick up singers for a snack and a break

6:15 – arrive back at theatre to green room (in your t shirts!)

6:30 – performance

Please note…..this is our final time together this year.  If you have forgotten to bring back your music and folder, please give it to your music teacher to send through the mail.

Auditions will be held on Monday, June 17 at South Slope in the music room.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO AUDITION!  But…..if you have friends or siblings who would like to join us next year, please ensure they receive an audition form from their music teacher.


Our first rehearsal is Monday, September 16 at 3:30 at South Slope!  Looking forward to introducing brand new songs and meeting the new group!  (hopefully with some of the old group there as well!)

We are sad to end the year, but happy with all the great memories that were made!

In song,

Mr. Nguyen, Ms. Ishii, Mrs. Fierro, Caeden and Kurtis


We are all so thankful to be a part of the Burnaby Fine Arts scene!





Dear Families of Corovoce Singers:

Obtaining buses for our tour has been a challenge, but we have finally worked out the times.  However……pick up and drop off have changed.  Please note:




I will send out a hard copy this Monday, April 29, but we just wanted to give you a heads up so you can start in the right place for the tour date!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen, Kurtis and Caeden


Corovoce School Tour Consent Form

Free Schoolbus School vector and picture

Dear Corovoce Singers:

As you know, we are going on tour on Thursday, May 9. I will be giving out hard copies of the forms below on Monday, but if you’d like to get a head start, you can complete them now and hand them in this Monday.  There are 2 forms:

  1.  Send back to me the first form that talks about the tour.
  2. Give the second form to your child’s homeroom teacher and let the office staff know as well of their absence.

Here are the forms.

Corovoce school tour consent forms 2024

I’m really looking forward to the tour date!


Corovoce and Constellation Updates!

















Free Piano Rose photo and picture

Dear Corovoce and Constellation Singers:

Spring is in the air and we have some dates for you to save for our upcoming events.

Saturday, April 20 – 9:00 – 3:00 at the South Slope Gym for all Constellation students.

Saturday, April 27 – 9:00 – 3:00 at the South Slope Gym for all Constellation students.

Friday, May 3 – Our performance at the opening ceremonies for the National Orff Conference.  Students will need to be at the theatre at Capilano University at 8:30 a.m.  Parents are responsible for getting the students to and from this event.  You are more than welcome to stay and watch!  After the opening ceremonies, we will have some lunch and parents can bring their child back to school for the afternoon.

Monday, May 6 – Final rehearsal.  Please bring your music and your folders back today!

Thursday, May 9 – Corovoce Tour Date.  Tour details coming soon, but you need to be dropped off at South Slope at 8:30 a.m.  We will tour, and be back at South Slope by 3:30.

Monday, May 13 – District Ensemble Concert “Spring Sing and Ring”.  Corovoce needs to be at the MJF theatre by 3:30 p.m. and picked up at 4:30 p.m. to have a small bite to eat and a bit of a break.  Students need to be back in the green room by 6:00 p.m.  Concert should be finished by 8:00.  I believe tickets are limited again to 2 per family and are $10 each.  I think we will be going through school cashonline again.  Dress code is our lovely black Corovoce t shirt and black pants, tights, skirts on the bottom.


More details will be coming out very very very shortly!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen, Caeden and Kurtis




Happy Family Day! Here is a link to our Constellation Blog!

Free Stars Constellation photo and picture

Hello Singers:


Here is a link to the Constellation Blog.  For those students involved in the Orff Conference, we had an amazing day on Friday!  So much creativity, connection, and joyful singing!

For the link to the Constellation Blog, Click here.

Next week, we will reveal our soloists for the songs we have been rehearsing in Corovoce.   I hope you’re beginning to commit our repertoire to memory.  The blending of your voices was fantastic last Monday! We are proud!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Mr. Nguyen, Kurtis, Caeden, and Mrs. Fierro