Gr. 3/4/5

Term 3 beginning activities for Gr. 3/4/5

Here are some activities that can be done from home:


  1. Using your recorder, can you compose your own melody using the notes B, A, G, E, and D? Can you write words to go with your melody and turn it into a song?
  2. Can you take one of the songs from your duotang that we learned in term 1 and make your own version of the song by changing things like the rhythm, dynamics (loud/soft), and the order of notes?
  3. Can you write about one of your favourite songs and why it’s one of your favourite songs? Can you talk about elements of music such as pitch (high/low), tempo (fast/slow), and dynamics (loud/soft)?

One Comment

  • Micah

    1. Yes.
    2. Yes
    3. My favourite song is chicken nugget dreamland by Parry Gripp. It’s my favourite song because it’s a song about delicious chicken nuggets and Parry Gripp has the funniest songs like,”I got no I phone”.

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