
This term, we have focused on recognizing, extending and creating patterns with a variety of materials in the classroom and outside in the school yard.

Students noted that:

LG: Patterns, they’re very colourful.

AK: Sometimes patterns go in forever or for just three times.

YC: Pattern is like colour to do the same time again, like yellow, purple, yellow, purple. I have a game you try to make a pattern with the ball, sometimes it go: yellow, yellow, purple.

JT: I can pattern size by size and shape by shape. Triangle, circle, square, triangle, circle, square. It’s like blue, red, blue, red, blue, red. It repeats, you can make it 3 times in a row or, if you want, you can make it longer. You can go again and again and again.

AY: Yellow, red, red, that’s ABB pattern.

ZY: Circle, triangle, triangle, circle, triangle triangle, that’s ABB.

LB: Circke, triangle, circle, triangle, it’s AB pattern.

DF: It’s something that repeats itself or it could go on forever and ever! Like the seasons!

What patterns do you see in the world?